Through the eyes of a celebrity

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Idea by: Kitty(Me)

Salt/Ships: Class Salt, Alya Salt, Bustier Salt, Lila Salt, Adrien Salt, Daminette

Fang's POV:

Well, I just heard a sausage say they helped my owner with some kind of "Lyric thing". I think the sausage is talking about him going in front of other humans and jumping around with a stick. A  blue-headed girl he calls his "niece" makes him look sane while doing it. I liked her and when I heard I would have to leave this place for someplace called "Gotham". I also heard through some gossip that sausage is trying to eat blue-head. I won't stand for it(You hear that Lie-la? Even animals won't stand for your insanity)! It seems the only way the owner brings blue-head is if I chew his slip skins, so I did. Owner freaked out and got his mate to bring blue-head. I was very happy when owner's mate arranged for blue-head to come with us! She gives the best scratches! Even better, blue-head found a mate! He has leaf eyes and his head looks like the night without the lights! Night-head is a kid of one of owner's friends making it easy for me to keep tabs on him.

~When Blue-head got back to school~

A bird told me that someone that looked like the sun is helping sausage hunt blue-head! I will not allow someone of my clan be harmed! Luckily, Night-head found out about this and gave owner the message along with other clan-members(I sense a celebrity reunion) and we charged for the prison! When we got there I chased Sunshine-head and did my part to protect blue-head! Some person who called herself a "reporter" yelled at Night-head and Blue-head. I tried to attack her and sausage but my clan stood and defended them for me by taking away their "money". After that, the sausage clan went to eat outside on a red and white thing even though they should've stayed hidden! My allies, the pigeons, rained down on them with their white bullets on them and us animals finally exacted a proper punishment for their crimes against my clan! The end!  

Word Count: 358 words

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