The Voice Actress' Interview

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Idea by: Kitty(me)

salt/ship: Lila Salt, Lila Sugar, Adrien Salt, Class Salt, Alya Salt, School salt, Felinette(Romantic), Lilanette(Platonic)

Notes: Lila never was a pathological liar, she is just good at acting(But never was evil). She also knows about LB's identity.

Lila Rossi, many things come to mind when you think of that name, the daughter of an Italian Ambassador, a victim of bullying, a psychopath who wants you to burn just because you decided you cared about your friends, but you never would've thought she would purposefully make her "enemy" famous. Well, it all started when Lila first came to school. She had noticed how Marinette was being used by almost everyone, even her crush and best friend! Lila knew eventually all her friends would leave her when they found someone better. She was mad since in one of her schools she was bullied and on top of her attention problems, she would go crazy. This made her think one thing, "I need to take this mean class and get my revenge"! So she made a plan,

Lila had tried to talk to Marinette in private but she was always with someone. She had no choice but to corner the girl in the bathroom. It didn't go well in there...

Lila: Marinette you have to listen to me, most of your friends are fake! Even Alya is using you!

Mari: Hah! Lila why would I listen to you? Adrien told me about your lies, he said you pretended to be a descendant of a miraculous and Chat Noir came and said you were lying!

Lila: He is the one lying Marinette, I'll do anything to make you believe it!

Mari: Fine, prove which friends are fake and which aren't! If Alya or half the class chooses the wrong choice I'll believe you. 

Lila: Deal *leaves bathroom*

Mari: Tikki, what do you think?

Tikki: I would make the judgment after Lila's test, you never know!

Mari: But what if she is right! What will I do?

Tikki: I'm sure you'll figure it out!

Lila started lying about small things which gradually went into larger and larger things until most of the class thought she was famous. Marinette was annoyed and tried to prove her wrong multiple times. Eventually, Lila used all these times as evidence that a certain ray of happiness what bullying her. Marinette was upset most of the class sided with her but what made her realize Lila was right was the fact they still expected things from her. Oh well, at least five people sided with her in the class...

Alya: Marinette we need macaroons for the bake sale! 

Mari: Sorry, I can't. 

Alya: WhY nOt YoU aLwAyS dO!! (Writing LiKe ThIs is fun!)

Mari: I let you have free stuff because you were my friends, now you call me a bully and try to ruin my stuff! There is no way I would call a person like that my friend! If you want some for your precious bake sale go buy them!

Adrien: Hey Marinette that isn't nice, you should do it as a classmate if you can't do it as a friend. You're our EvErY dAy LaDyBuG so act like it! (Boi then treat her like it)

Chloe: Well if she is that means we should respect her as we respect Ladybug! Or you're just being utterly ridiculous!

Adrien: What! I do respect her! I never did anything!

Max: That is exactly the problem, you know at least 98.99999999999999999999999% of the full story and do nothing about it.

Kim: You're basically siding with the bully by allowing Lie-la to harm her and watching! You have no right to ask her anything!

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