Paws, Fur, and Happiness

663 44 7

Lauren's POV

I open the front door of the animal shelter and let Taylor enter first with me right after her.

"Lauren Jauregui we've been excitedly waiting for your arrival," A wise old man walks up to us.

"How did..." I trail off.

"A letter arrived this morning to us and it said that we will be receiving you." He holds his hand out to me, "I'm Mr. Nickels."

I shake his hand, "Nice to meet you." I turn to Taylor and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "This is my little sister Taylor," I said.

Mr. Nickels shakes Taylor's hand then places it behind his back with his other hand. "Should we begin?" He smiles warmly.

"Of course," I nod.

He leads us to the kennels as the dogs eye me and Taylor curiously as we walk by. "Most of these dogs were found in the street but some were, in violent homes or we're given away," Mr. Nickels says.

"I don't understand why people would want a pet if they won't take care of them like if it was your child," I said.

"It's so sad that people will abuse their furry companion," Mr. Nickels says.

"If I could I would have adopted every single one of these beautiful dogs," Taylor says.

Mr. Nickels chuckles as he leads us outside where a group of dogs is chasing each other. "We always take a certain amount of dogs out for their daily exercise," Mr. Nickels says.

"That's great, I couldn't imagine being cooped up in a kettle all day inside," I said.

"Yes, it's great for them to stretch their little legs and get some fresh air and feel the sunlight," Mr. Nickels says.

"Can we play with them?" Taylor asks hopefully.

"Of course," Mr. Nickels says.

We spent about an hour and a half playing around with the dogs outside. I scratch the black German Shepherd puppy behind his ears as he excitedly licks my face.

"Mi vida, I'm so excited to hang out with you too, but I will have to go soon," I said.

He whimpers as he nuzzled his head against my neck, hiding his snout in it.

Taylor sits down next to me as she rubs his belly. "You should adopt him," She says.

The German Shepherd perks his head up at the sound of adopting.

I look down at the dog to see his pleading eyes look up into mine. "He does look like the perfect dog for Camila," I said.

"Do it. Adopt him," Taylor smiles.

"Did I heard what I just heard?" Mr. Nickels walks up to us with a bright smile on his face.

I stand up with the puppy still in my arms as he nuzzled against my chest. "We would like to adopt him," I said.

Mr. Nickels let out a sigh of happiness, "Of course. I'll go get the paperwork."

After finalizing the paperwork, Taylor and I walk out of the building after saying goodbye to Mr. Nickels. The puppy in Taylor's arms now as I get into the driver's side.

★ R O S E🌹★

I get out of my car and Taylor gets out after me. She fixes the little bow around the dog's neck as we walk across the street toward Camila's house.

"Just stand to the side for now," I said.

"Sure thing," Taylor nods.

I walk up to Camila's door and knock three times.

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