Love Of Horses

552 36 3

Lauren's POV

It's noon as I follow Camila towards the stalls where the horses are. "So this is where you go," I jog up so I can be next to Camila as I take her hand in mine and interlace my fingers with hers.

"Yes, ma'am." Camila stops walking so she stands in front of an elder man petting a horse's mane. "Hi, Arnoldo!" Camila greets.

"Camila, my best customer, hi!" The elder man walks over to her while he wipes his hands with a handkerchief. He shakes Camila's outstretched hand heartily. The elder man's eyes fall on me then on mine and Camila's locked hands. He points between us with a smile, "This is new, ain't it?"

"Yeah, a few hours long now," Camila answers.

"I have Autumn ready for you," The man walks over to a brown horse.

"Hey, girl!" Camila strokes the female horse's mane as the horse nudges her head against Camila affectionately.

"And here's your horse, his name is Clay," The elder man walks over to a grey horse, a mysterious smile on his lips.

"Hi, boy..." I carefully outstretch a hand.

The horse stares at me curiously then nudges his snout against my hand as he lets out a happy neigh.

"Thank you, sir!" I smile at the elder man.

"Arnoldo," He says.

I nod and I mount the horse as I look over at Camila to see that she mounted her horse as well. I hold tightly onto the reins as Arnoldo leads my horse out of the stables.

"You haven't given me your name," Arnoldo speaks.

"Lauren," I said.

"Your lucky, eh? Camila is a very unique girl," Arnoldo says.

"So I've been told more times than I would like to admit," I chuckle softly.

"I'll leave you two to ride now," Arnoldo lets the horse go and walks back over to the stables.

Camila's horse trots over to me as the girl walks circles around me. "Come on don't be scared, squeeze his sides so he can start to move," Camila smiles teasingly at me.

"I don't know horse commands," I said.

Camila laughs softly and teaches me all of the commands. "You got it?" She raises a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Yup," I nod slowly. I squeeze Clay's sides and he takes off down the field. I grip hard onto him so I don't fall off as I pull the reins towards me as I say, "Woah boy!"

The horse slows down and he comes to a stop on top of a hill.

I hear a fit of giggles behind me as I look back and see Camila riding up to me.

"You should have seen your face," She speaks between giggles as she reenacts my frightened face.

"Camila!" I groan, my cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

The brunette rides up and the horse stops so she can beside me. "Look at that sunset," Camila smiles.

"So this is where the wind took me," I smiled.

Clay moves his head as he nuzzles his snout against Autumn's lovingly.

So that's why Arnoldo had a mysterious smile... I thought.

"Or we may have two other lovers in our midst," Camila laughs.

"They love each other like we love each other," I reach over and take Camila's hand in mine.

"So the wind took us to each other," Camila smiles at me.

"Because I'll always come to you," I dismount the horse. I grab Camila by the waist as I hoist her off the horse and place her down on the ground.

Just like the horses, I rub my nose against Camila's, the orange color of the setting sun illuminating one side of her face.

"You seem to get more beautiful every day," I whisper.

"Or maybe it's just how the scenery looks good on me," Camila pokes her tongue out teasingly while she giggles softly.

"You're a dweeb," I chuckle. I lean down and press our lips together in a tender kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. I pull my girlfriend closer to me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

Like the two in loved horses, we gaze out into the sunset until it disappears behind the horizon.

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