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Lauren's POV

This next one is a little simpler but one of my most treasured places in my heart. When I was younger I lived close to Morningside Park. I went there to have fun maybe even clear my mind. But that place mostly holds my happiest memories.

I never really took anyone there except my family. Those are were those happiest, happiest memories are. Which brings me to this. I want you, you don't have to, but I want you to bring your family with you because who knows, maybe you'll also make happy memories there with them.

Remember I'm closer to you than you believe! :) See you around...

Your Secret Admirer xx

I take out the photo and smile. "It's beautiful," I whisper. I stand up, opening my door slightly and peering out. Everybody is already asleep. "Alright guess I'll tell them tomorrow during breakfast," I shrug.

★ R O S E🌹★

I fix my bomber jacket and walk downstairs to see my mom putting down plates filled with breakfast in front of everybody. I clap my hands, "Perfect you all are here."

"And why do you sound so chirpy this morning honey?" My mom comes over, kissing my forehead.

"So I know all of you guys know about the anonymous letters I've been getting. And the sixth one is in Morningside Park and well the letter said I should make some happy memories with my family as my secret admirer did with hers so... Would you guys like to come with me?" I asked hopefully.

"Hell yeah count me in sista!" Taylor cheers standing up and gives me a high five.

Chris stands up, "Count me in as well I'm always down for some family bonding."

We all three turn to our parents who exchange an uneasy look. My dad squeezes my mom's shoulder and steps up.

"We have some work to do..."

All of our faces fall but he smiles brightly making me and my siblings exchange confused looks.

"But maybe we can hurry in the office and after you are done with school we'll all head down to the park. Doing family karaoke in the car like old times. Que tal?" He smiles.

A smirk forms on my and my sibling's lips and we trap my dad in a big hug. We chant 'thank you thank you!' Over and over again as I open my arm for my mother who joins the hug.

"Ay okay ya ya. You three... School. Now! We'll see you all later. Bye, mis cielos," My mother kisses all of our cheeks.

My father does the same and my siblings leave. I sit down at the table taking a few bites of my food. I check my watch looking at the time and I quickly get up. I walk out of my house to see Camila pacing around her porch. I look both ways and cross the street. "Hey what's wrong?" I stop her pacing.

Camila looks up at me, "I missed the bus and my dad couldn't turn back around due to traffic."

"Hey, it's okay. I can take you," I squeeze her arms.

"I don't want to bother you," Camila shakes her head.

"You're not c'mon," I caress her cheek. I take Camila's hand in mine taking her bag in my other hand and swinging it around my other shoulder. I lead Camila over to my Tesla and open the passenger side door.

"Thank you, Lauren," Camila squeezes my hand.

"You don't have to thank me," I smile as she enters my car.

★ R O S E🌹★

After school though, my siblings and I are cruising back home singing along to the radio. When I parked, stopped, and turned off my car my parents walked out of the front door a picnic basket hanging from my mother's arm.

My siblings and I got out of my car and go to my parent's BMW SUV x6. My dad starts driving towards the park as we begin to break out in harmony.

When we finally arrive at the park my family and I find an open space and set up our little picnic.

"Thank you guys for coming with me," I spoke up.

"Of course Lauren!" My siblings said at the same time causing them to laugh.

"We needed this mi cielo," My mother wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah we needed this honey so let's have the greatest time of all time," My dad squeezes my knee as he hands me a plate of my most favorite sandwich ever.

I take It and dig in moaning when the delicious flavors melt together perfectly. The rest of my family digs into their sandwiches as we start talking about everything and anything, laughing together as we recall funny memories.

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