Shooting The Shot

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Lauren's POV

I close the picnic basket just as my sister walks into the kitchen, opens it back up, and plucks out the container of chocolate cover strawberries, and takes one.

"Your welcome," I roll my eyes as I close the container and put it back inside.

"Oh sorry, can I have one? Thanks," Taylor bites into the fruit. She starts chewing then swallows the bits. "Taking Camila on a date?" She smirks.

"I'm asking her to be my girlfriend," I smiled.

"Woohoo! You haven't dated since that bitch Lucy," Taylor cheers.

"Don't call her that," I chuckle.

"You know she was," Taylor sings.

"Whatever Tay, no point of mentioning it anymore," I pinch her cheek.

"I'll be waiting here with champagne. Text me if she says yes," Taylor hops off the counter and disappears upstairs.

I smile then pick up the basket as I walk out the front door. I walk across the street and knock on Camila's front door.

The door opens to reveal Camila as a smile forms on her lips when she sees me. "I've been waiting impatiently," She says.

"Sorry I had to gather everything for this picnic," I motion towards the basket hanging on my arm.

"Where exactly are going?" Camila asks.

"The stream in the woods," I answer.

"The last location we went to before-"

"Shhh..." I cup her chin as I whisper against her lips, "Happy thoughts."

"Okay," Camila pecks my lips.

One walk in the woods later, I hear the rushing water of the stream. "And we're here," I turn around and grasp one of Camila's hands in mine.

Camila smiles against my lips when I press them together. "Let's eat," She whispers once she pulled our lips apart.

"Roll out the blanket," I smiled.

"Oh," Camila giggles. The brunette removes the rolled-up blanket from under her arm and lays it out flat on the ground.

I set the picnic basket down as I sit down on the grass. I open the lid of the basket and take out the wine than the two wine glasses.

"Ooh fancy," Camila sits down next to me.

"Got it out of my dad's stash," I smiled innocently.

"Wow," Camila shakes her head and takes the glass I handed her.

"What? You don't like it when I act badly?" I clink my glass with hers.

"Depends sometimes," Camila smiles.

I set my glass down and start to take out the appetizers. "Hope you are hungry," I smile as I set the plates down.

"Starving," Camila sings.

I lean over and peck her lips softly as I stroke her cheek. "Good, my mom cooked the main plate, and trust me when I say this, you will be licking your fingers when your done, her cooking is that good," I said.

"Believe it when I taste it," Camila teases.

Camila's POV

The sun is finally down and the moon is up, my head laid on Lauren's chest.

"It's almost midnight," Lauren turns on her phone to check the time then turns it back off.

"We should get home. Thank you for taking me out today," I sit up.

"No, no, no. I have one more surprise," Lauren sits up, a wide smile on her face.

"What is that smile? It's creepy, what do you have up your sleeve?" Camila asks.

Lauren shrugs as she takes my hands in hers and kisses them both. "Not much just wanting to know if you want to be my girlfriend," Lauren says.

"Wait... Your girlfriend?" I ask with pure shock and happiness.

"Yeah!" Lauren smiles.

"No," My face turns serious, holding in a laugh as Lauren's smile falls.

"Oh, I'm-"

"I'm just kidding," I smile, tilting her head back up so her eyes can look into mine.

"Serious?" Lauren's smile returns.

"Dead," I answer.

Lauren cups my face and crashes our lips together in a passionate kiss. She pulls away after a minute or two, as she rests her forehead against mine. "Thank you," She whispers.

"For what?" I ask, a smile on my lips.

"For making me the happiest person alive," Lauren strokes my cheek.

"You're very welcome," I giggled.

"I love you," Lauren whispers.

"I love you too..."

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