Beautiful Views

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Lauren's POV

I tap my finger on the steering wheel as I wait for the traffic to start moving. I glance over at Camila to see that she's still napping. I smile to myself and look back at the road. Once we are out of the highway I continue my route to the art museum. I hit a red light and I groan.

I feel a soft hand rest over mine and I look over to see that Camila's hand has fallen. I smile and turn my hand interlocking our fingers. The light turns green and I accelerate.

Once I park in a spot I turn my car off and turn to Camila. "Camila?" I whispered. She stirs and I run my hand down her arm. "Camila," I whispered once more. She bolts awake and looks over at me. "Hi, we're here," I smile softly. Her eyes dart to our locked hands and I retract my hand. "Sorry," I sit back in my seat.

"It's okay," She says.

Camila gets out and I sigh. I get out as well and we walk to the entrance of the museum.

"Hello, beautiful gals," The museum worker at the front smiles.

"Hi," We both greet.

"Tickets?" He asked.

I pull out the tickets and hand them to him. He takes them and smiles. "Have fun," He says.

I let Camila enter first and she smiles. Were walking around the museum but I can't seem to focus. Camila is examining an art piece but her brows are furrowed.

"You know who painted that?" I asked.

"It's called Starry Night Over the Rhône right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Starry Night, September 1888, French, is one of Vincent van Gogh's paintings of Arles at night. It was painted on the bank of the Rhône that was only a one or two-minute walk from the Yellow House on the Place Lamartine, which Van Gogh was renting at the time," I explain.

She smiles, "You have a passion for these things."

"Well..." I flush.

"It's adorable." Her fingers linger below my chin pulling my face to look at her again.

"Really?" I smile.

"Yeah. No wonder your secret admirer will love art because you do."

I smile softly and she returns it. Camila looks away and retracts her hand. Before she can move I place a hand on her arm and turn her to look at me. "The paintings aren't the only beautiful things in here," I whispered.

"Then what else?" She asks confusingly.

I swallow hard as my eyes stay locked with hers. "The most beautiful girl in this museum..." I trail off.

"The Monalisa?" She jokes.

I laugh and shake my head. "Other than her..." I trail off.

Camila bites her lower lip and looks away. "I'm not Lauren," She says.

"You are," I turn her around towards me again.

Camila keeps our gazes locked a little while longer then looks down at the floor. "Thank you..." She mumbles.

"You don't have to." I clear my throat blinking a couple of times. "Should we keep going?" I motion my hand around.

"Let's do it," She nods.

After the museum, Camila and I are eating in Versailles enjoying each other's company.

"No way seriously?" Camila giggles.

"Dead serious. My mom made me and Chris dress up as peanut butter and jelly for Halloween a year before Taylor was born, then my father made this joke. 'Why did the fisherman put peanut butter into the seas?' Then this next thing was corny but so fucking funny," I laugh.

"What was the answer?" Camila giggles.

"'To go with the jellyfish'," I chuckle.

Camila bursts out laughing and I look down at the table my cheeks burning but laughing along. Camila's laugh dials down making me look at her. "Your father is hilarious," She giggles.

"I guess," I shrug a smile plastered on my lips then it fades, "He can have his times. But others he's just pressuring me to date, someone."

"Why?" Camila asks.

"He wants me to find someone that I would take charge of his company with," I spoke.

"You're 16," Camila says.

"Yeah but..." I look down. I feel the warmth of Camila's hand with mine making me lookup.

"Why haven't you. Some good enough people are dying to date you," Camila spoke.

I shake my head, "I don't feel it with them." I put my other hand above hers caressing the back of it. "I can't click with them. Maybe is because I need to find the right person." I gaze deeply into her eyes feeling them pull me in.

Camila leans closer across the table making my breath catch in my throat.

"Su cuenta, señoras," The waiter comes by setting the bill down between us. (Your bill, ladies.)

Camila pulls away from me and I take out some money. I hand it to the waiter leaving a very generous tip and he takes his leave. Camila and I gather our things leaving Versailles and walking out to my car.

Moments later we finally reach my house as I park it in the driveway. I turn it off and we both get out. "Can I walk you?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure why not," Camila says playfully.

I chuckle and walk with her towards her house. We stop at her doorstep facing each other. "See you tomorrow?" I look up at her.

"Definitely," She smiles.

I couldn't bring myself to leave though. It's like my feet were glued. My eyes meet hers and without even noticing I feel myself inching closer to her until my lips slowly press against her own. I feel Camila's body stiffen but soon she returns my kiss. Her arms slip around my neck deepening the kiss. I feel a bolt of electricity course through my body making my arms snake around her waist pulling the brunette closer to me.

Camila slowly pulls away from me my bottom lip trapped between her lips. I catch my breath opening my eyes. Camila opens the door slipping inside before even letting me get a word out. I lean my head against the door, "Camila."

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