X Envelope

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Lauren's POV

My eyes shoot open when my alarm starts to go off. I reach over to the nightstand and turn my alarm off. "Camila..." I whisper in the sleeping girl's ear.

The brunette stirs then sits up abruptly as she yelps out, "School!"

"Uh, yeah..." I chuckle.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"7 am," I answer.

Camila throws the covers off of her and grabs her clothes from last night. "I need to go home so I can shower and change," She says.

"Will you be needing a ride?" I ask.

"No, my dad is going to drive me to school, but I'll see you there," She smiles at me. Camila opens my bedroom door then stops as she walks over to me. The brunette places a gentle hand on my cheek and presses her lips against mine letting it linger for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

"See you there," I whisper.

Camila smiles at me and kisses my cheek then walks out of my room.

I let out a soft sigh when I hear the front door open then close downstairs. I walk over to the window and slightly open the blinds just in time to see Camila enter her house. I close the blinds then the curtains as I start to get ready for school starting with a shower.

Camila's POV

I grab my backpack and I was about to rush out of my room but I stop. I walk over to my desk and I grab the envelope that has the rose tied softly onto it. I walk out of my room, down the stairs, out of the front door, and over to the rumbling car where my dad is already waiting inside.

At school, I get out of my dad's car after I said goodbye to him. I walk to the front entrance door, pull one open, and walk inside. I look around to see that nobody is paying attention to me and I walk over to Lauren's locker. I tape the envelope up on her locker and I quickly walk away.

"Hi!" My friends round the corner and smile when they see me.

"Hi, guys!" I smile and pull them into a hug.

"Have you put the letter on her locker?" They lower their voice.

"Yeah," I nod.

"You are playing with fire Camila but I admire that, it's fucking badass," Normani says.

"I don't like it," Ally shakes her head.

"Come guys, I have something to tell you," I pull them into the restroom. I check if nobody is in here, confirming that there isn't anybody, then I lock the bathroom door.

"What's up?" Both girls asked.

"I slept with Lauren," I breath out with a smile on my face.

Ally covers Normani's mouth with her hand while Normani does the same as she covers Ally's mouth with her hand so they don't let their screams out. Both girls take deep breaths then drops their hands. "Tell us everything," They both whispered.

"Okay..." I nod.

Lauren's POV

I close my car door and lock it as I walk over to the school doors. I open the door and hold it open for two girls behind me as they throw me flirty smiles once they pass by. I shake my head, roll my eyes, but smile softly. Somethings never change. I walk over to my locker to see the envelope taped up. I slowly peel it off and take out the rose from where it's tied as I break off the seal of the envelope. I take out and unfold the letter as I start to silently read.

Most people in this school don't like going to school plays because they say they are "too cool" to go to them. It's just a bunch of baloney to me because those people who say that secretly like to go. They just want to seem cool in front of their friends because they're fake.

Not you, are you? You're considered hot, your rich and you're the popular one but you're genuine, you don't hide who you are and you don't hide your interests. It's something I always loved about you, the reason I have feelings for you.

The next location is the school play tonight of the classic Romeo and Juliet. I hope you attend!

Remember I'm closer to you than you believe! :) See you around...

Your Secret Admirer xx

I take out a picture of the school's stage making me smile softly. My mother read me and my siblings, Romeo and Juliet when we were younger. When I was in my last year of middle school my parents took us to a play and Taylor even played the role of Juliet not too long ago.

I put everything back in the envelope as I open my locker. I was about to put the envelope inside but stop when I hear someone call my name. I close my locker but leave a crack because I'm too lazy to put the code in again. I see the school gossiper running up to me.

"Uh hi, gossipy, what's up?" I ask.

"I have something to tell you," He says.

"What? You got another man, gossipy?" I lean against the row of lockers.

"Yes but that's not what I came here to talk to you about," He says.

I tap my wrist like I have a watch there and speak, "Talk gossipy you know we aren't friends you just tell me gossip for some odd reason."

"And you will be grateful," He says. The school gossip leans closer and whispers in my ear.

"You what?" I mumbled. I lean closer as he continues to talk in my ear.

Once he's done he pulls away and salutes at me then walks away.

I turn back to my slightly open locker as I open it wider. I lean against it as I feel a mix of emotions course through my body. I lift my head and my eyes fall on the envelope in my hand and the rose, feeling angry, betrayed, and sad tears prick my eyes.

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