Music Fills The Heart

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Lauren's POV

I step out of my Tesla taking a deep breath. I grab my bag and close and lock my door. Once inside the school, I go to my locker to see Dinah leaning against it.

"Hi Dinah," I greeted as I turn the combination popping the locker open.

"What up man. Where have you been?" She asks.

"Out," I respond.

"Is it those letters things you told me about?" She asks.

"Yeah," I nod closing my locker. I turn around and squint my eyes. Once I spot the familiar brunette I say goodbye to Dinah and jog over to where she is. Her friends stop mid-conversation as I approach. "Hi Camila," I smile.

She turns around to look at me quite shocked. "Hi, Lauren," She says.

"Shocked much?" I chuckle.

"Didn't expect it," She smiles. Camila turns to her friends and mumbles something. They wave us goodbye and finally leave me and Camila alone. "So what's up?" She asked.

I open my bag and pull out the envelope. "Ready to see what it says?" I smile.

"Go ahead," She smiles.

I pop open the envelope and take out the letter and photo. I scan the photo to see that it's the music room in the school. I unfold the letter and start reading lowly just enough so she can hear.

Hopefully, you were able to wait to read this at school. If you already saw the photo you are probably wondering why the music room in the school. Well, I usually love to go there because the music just speaks to me. Whenever I listen to songs I pay attention to the lyrics. Or if it's instrumental I pay attention to how every single very different instrument combines to make something so beautiful.

For me, I believe music can affect the way someone is. People say if a baby listens to Beethoven when it's young it will grow up to be smart and educated. I believe that true, do you?

Music fills the heart. Which emotion it could be. Happiness, sadness, love. It speaks to us. Some different than others. What about you, Lauren, does it speak to you?

Remember I'm closer to you than you believe! :) See you around...

Your Secret Admirer xx

I look up and immediately lock eyes with Camila. She holds our gaze for a few seconds before looking away.

"Do you want to go with me?" I asked hopefully.

"No I got things to do," She says.

"You sure? I wouldn't mind the company," I smile.

"One hundred percent," She smiles.

"Okay. See you around?"

"See you around. Bye," She waves before leaving.

I chuckle to myself and make my way to the music room. I look through the small mirror to see that it's empty so I step in. I sit down on the piano feeling my secret admirer's preference linger on my skin like a cool breeze. I turn to the keyboard and play a few chords.

I hear the door open and I look up to see the music teacher walk in. "Hi Lauren," She smiles.

"Hi miss," I look back down at the keyboard.

I feel her sit down next to me and touch my shoulder. "You okay, sweetie?" She asks.

"Yeah just lost in my thoughts," I whispered. Then I realize, "Don't you have early practices?"

"Yeah but I moved them to the cafeteria," She informed.


"So you can have the room all to yourself," She said.


"Someone came in and told me if I can clear the room for you. I was expecting you to come and here you are," She smiles.

"Do you know anything about this girl?" I asked.

"Can't say. But she's beautiful and the most kind-hearted girl I know. Remember she's closer to you than you believe," The music teacher stands up and leaves.

I pull out the envelope and stare at it. "It can't be Camila, right?" I whispered to myself. "No, it can't be this person asked me to bring a friend with me yesterday... But..." I sigh and put the envelope away. It's not her. But if it was is she that scared to tell me she likes me? "No Lauren get that fucking idea out of your head it's not her she wouldn't do that."

I exit the music room and look back at it one more time before finally leaving, heading to class.

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