Why Don't You Just Dip

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Lauren's POV

I swing my backpack strap over one of my shoulders and I close my front door then lock it. I walk across the street to Camila's house and I knock on her front door.

The door opens to reveal Camila's mother who smiles brightly at me. "Hi, Lauren!" She pulls me into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Cabello," I rub her back.

"Come on in, Camila is in the living room waiting for you," She pulls away from the hug and steps to the side to let me in.

I step inside the house and walk over to the living room to confirm that Camila is there, cuddling up to her dad while they watch TV. "Hi Camila," I speak lowly.

Camila looks over at me and stands up, walking towards me. "Hi!" She pulls me into a hug.

I rub her back as I bury my nose in her hair, taking in her scent. I pull away from her and I wave at her dad, "Hi Mr. Cabello."

"Hi Lauren," He smiles.

"Are we good to go?" I ask Camila after I returned Mr. Cabello's smile.

"Yes come on," She takes my hand and leads me to the backyard glass sliding door after saying goodbye to her parents.

"Why are you so eager?" I chuckle.

"It's hot outside, I need to cool down," Camila says. The brunette opens the fence door and continues to pull me.

"Camila, stop pulling me," I laugh. 

"Sorry," She stops walking and lets go of me.

"It's fine," I smiled. I motion for us to keep going as I take lead since I have the map.

"How do you even know how to read a map?" Camila asks.

"My father taught me, he knew how to read maps and use compasses, I loved watching him just like he loved watching his dad," I said.

"Guess it runs in the family," Camila says.

"Maybe just the father and one of the children," I said.

"Your siblings didn't take interest in it?" I ask.

"No, especially Taylor. My dad and I use to go camping too," I stop walking and I turn around to face her. "What did you do with your father?" I ask.

"Swimming. My father and I even joined a father-daughter swimming competition when I was eight," I said.

"That's cute," I smiled.

"Let's keep going I want to check this place out," Camila smiles at me.

"Of course, we're not far out now," I said.

A couple of minutes later, I hear rushing water and I push aside some bushes to reveal the stream.

"We found it lets just follow it," I said.

"Yes, ma'am!" Camila says.

I start to slowly follow the stream until I see the natural pool. I take out the picture and smile to see that it's the right one. "This is it," I said as I tuck the picture away.

"It is beautiful," Camila says.

I take my backpack off and I set it down. "Let's not waste any more time to dip in," I said. I tug my shirt over my head and take off my jeans to leave me only in my bathing suit. I look over at Camila to see her awkwardly standing there in her bathing suit too. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm just sorta embarrassed in being naked in front of people," She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm not that-"

"Beautiful? You are absolutely beautiful, Camila, the most beautiful woman I know," I walk closer to her. I gently place my hands on her hips and I pull her closer to me.

"Lauren," Camila rests her head on my shoulder.

"Heads up!" I said. Before she can respond, I push Camila into the body of water.

Camila resurfaces and glares at me playfully. "You are such an asshole," She gets her wet hair out of her face.

I salute her and I jump in causing a big splash. I resurface as I flick my wet hair out of my face. "The scenery is absolutely beautiful," I said.

Camila swims over to me and jumps on my back. "It is," She wraps her arms around my neck.

I turn around in the water as I hold onto her. "You don't have to be embarrassed about your body you know," I cup her cheek.

"It's just... I don't have the body like the other girls do in our school," Camila rests her forehead against mine.

"And that makes yours unique," I whisper against her lips.

"You... Think?" Camila smiles softly.

"I certainly like it," I smiled as well. I close the distance between our lips as I start to kiss her hungrily.

Camila cups my face in her hands as she returns the kiss.

My hands travel down her oh so perfect body as I cup some water in my hands and I drop it above her head. The water drips down her forehead then her nose and ends on our lips.

Camila pulls on my lower and slowly releases it as she breathes heavily. "Glad to know..." She mumbles.

I dip Camila down then bring her back up, as I see how the water drips down her perfect curves. "People should tell you more often," I said.

Camila blushes, "Your too sweet."

"I'm just being honest," I smiled.

We spent the rest of the day swimming, pulling each other under the water and wrestling down there, and trading kisses every once in a while.

The sun starts to lower the horizon as we start to put our clothes back on.

"Did we spend here all day?" Camila says.

"Someone didn't want to get out by dinner time," I said.

"Let's just order some pizza," Camila says.

"Your parents going out tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah," Camila nods.

"And your sister?" I ask.

"She's going to a sleepover," Camila answers.

"Come on let's go," I swing my strap over my shoulder.

"Wait, Lauren..." Camila grabs my hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm ready," Camila whispers.

I turn so my body can fully face her as I look her straight in the eyes. "Are you sure?" I question.

"I'm sure," Camila nods slowly.

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