IV Envelope

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Lauren's POV

I finally arrive from school and I crash on the couch from how exhausted I am from practice.

"Hi Laur," Taylor walks into the family room.

"Hi Tay," I mumble.

"Tired?" She plops down next to me.

"You have no idea," I groan.

She flicks on her show and I lay down resting my head on the cushion. I don't know how long I slept but once I wake up I hear the doorbell ringing. I sit up and look around. I'm home alone? I stand up and walk to the door. I open it to find Camila on the other side.

"Hi," She smiles.

"Hey? What's up?" I mumble. I notice the duffle bag hanging around her shoulder and I quirk an eyebrow. "What's that for?" I point at it.

"Parents went on a double date. My parents thought if I could hang out here. Your parents were cool with it," Camila smiles.

"Chris and Taylor?" I asked.

"Girlfriend and sleepover," Camila responds.

"Well alright then, come on in," I step aside.

"And uh this was on your doorstep," Camila hands me the rose and envelope.

"Thank you," I mumble. Our fingers brush and I lock eyes with her.

Camila retracts her hand and I look down at the envelope. "I'll be right back," I tell her.

"Sure thing."

I go upstairs to my room and place the rose inside the vase full of new freshwater. I pop open the envelope and sit down on my desk chair. I take out the letter and picture and start reading.

This next one isn't about me but you. I did this for you because I wanted to show you that even if we are different I'll always love to do your hobbies.

Do you like art museums Lauren?

"How'd you know?" I mumble.

You're probably wondering how I knew that. Well, I sorta didn't since I asked but I did. I walk by the art room and I always see you there, alone, painting or working on something else. I ain't an artist. I suck at drawing and painting. But for you, I'll do anything.

I went to the art museum not long ago and all I wished was for you to be there. The museum has a discount if you bring another person so I already bought your entrance you just need to find someone to bring with you.

Remember I'm closer to you than you believe! :) See you around...

Your Secret Admirer xx

I look back into the envelope to see two entrance tickets. I take out the tickets and walk downstairs. "Hey, Camila?" I call out.


I turn around and bump into her. "Sorry," I mumble.

"No problem," She smiles, "What's up?"

"How do you feel about art museums?" I asked.

"Mutual, why?" She crosses her arms.

"Well this next one is about me, and her wanting to let me know that we might like different things but she would love me for that," I hand her the letter.

Camila takes it and reads it over. "Aww sweet!" She smiles once she's done. "Discount huh? Who are you bringing?" She hands me the letter back.

"You, of course. Dinah doesn't have a passion for these types of things," I said.

"Well, I don't either but it's worth a shot, right? I'll love to go," She smiles sweetly.

"Sweet!" I smile.

"Do you got anything to eat? I'm starving, " She rubs her belly.

"We can order pizza and buffalo wings if you want," I smile.

"Like deadass?" Her face brightens.

"Yeah," I laugh.

"And binge-watch Friends?" She asks.

I hold my fist up and she bumps hers with mine. "You got it," I smile.

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