Nextflix And Just Actual Chill

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Lauren's POV

I walk over to the front door once I heard the doorbell go off. I unlock it, then pull it open, revealing Camila on the other side. "Hi!" I smile, leaning over and pressing a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi, Lauren!" Camila squeezes my shoulder.

"I got all of the snacks ready we just need to pick out a movie," I smile.

"Great we're watching the Titanic I'm in serious need of love in my life," Camila walks past me.

I close the front door and follow her into the living room. "You do?" I question, my brows furrowed in concern.

Camila turns around to face me, a mix of different emotions on her features. "Yeah... I do," Camila mumbles.

A reassuring smile forms on my lips as I speak softly, "You will get the love you are looking for when the right time comes."

Camila averts her eyes from mine, a hint of a smile on her lips, her voice coming out small and precious, "Hopefully."

I brush my hand against hers as I hook my index finger with hers. "You will. Your such an amazing girl," I move my head so my gaze can meet hers.

"Lauren..." Camila mumbles.

"Sorry... Let's just watch the movie," I clear my throat.

Camila's POV

Halfway through the movie, I find my gaze lingering on my bowl of popcorn than on Lauren as I repeat that motion, careful for Lauren not to catch me.

I check the time on my phone to see that it's about to hit midnight. I finally realize that the room got dead silent and I look up from my phone to see that the movie was paused and Lauren staring at me.

"Everything okay?" She finally asks.

"Just lost in my thoughts," I respond.

Lauren stands up and sets her bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table. The green-eyed girl sits down next to me and wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Are you thinking about earlier?" She asks softly.

"Yes," I nod. No, I'm thinking about how I'm playing with you and I got myself into this trap with getting close to you and the envelopes.

"Camila, I-I will like to tell you how I feel but-"

"You're between the person behind the envelopes and me," I interrupt her.

Lauren sighs softly as her hand starts to stroke my hair slowly. "When you say it like that it makes my heart shatter with all the hurt in your voice," Lauren whispers.

"Liking someone is so beautiful but it's more beautiful when it's responded or not shared," I whisper.

"I don't know if it's just the interest in finding out who is behind the envelopes or if it's actual feelings," Lauren says. The green-eyed girl unwraps me from her embrace as she stares blankly at the paused movie. "But you... I feel things I didn't even feel when I was dating Lucy and we are just friends or I don't what exactly we are," Lauren says.

"Why because we've kissed each other?" I turn Lauren's face so her eyes can look into mine.

"If we are friends then friends don't do that," Lauren shakes her head.

"Then what are we?" I ask.

"The only other thing that comes to mind is that we are friends with benefits," Lauren says.

"Reasonable," I crack a soft smile.

"We should continue the movie," Lauren walks over to grab the remote from the other couch.

"It's midnight, you know," I show her the time on my phone.

"I'll be back in a bit," Lauren sets the remote down on the coffee table. The green-eyed girl walks over to the foyer as I hear the front door open then close, Lauren's footsteps echoing throughout the silent house. Lauren enters the living room and sets the envelope down on the coffee table and the rose inside of her glass of water.

"You're not going to read it?" I question.

"Not right now," Lauren sits down next to me. The green-eyed girl grabs the blanket next to me and pulls it over her and me.

I lay my head down on her shoulder as she starts up the movie again.

Lauren's POV

The credits are now rolling as the room is lit up by only the light coming from the TV.

I look down to see that Camila has fallen asleep. I smile to myself as my hand starts to slowly stroke her arm. My eyes land on the envelope on the coffee table but the feeling of Camila in my arms rips all of my attention away from the envelope.

I decided that I will read the letter when the sun is up as I fix myself on the couch. I turn off the TV, pull the cover more up, and finally close my eyes.

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