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Lauren's POV

I did go to that school play that day. I don't even know why I did but it's like my body was following what the envelope said. Speaking of the envelopes, I haven't gotten one since that day, I may be angry at Camila but somewhere in my wishes I just opened my front door at midnight and find the rose and envelope sitting there waiting for me to break open the seal. I hop off the hood of my father's jeep as the planes in the back lift off or land on the tarmac.

For some odd reason, I like watching planes take off and land on the ground. I sip on my caramel frappuccino as I enter my dad's jeep.

Back at home, I enter my house and my family is waiting for me there. "Uh... What?" I ask confusingly.

"Come," My dad motions over as he walks into the living room.

I confusingly follow him into the living room and sit down on the couch in front of him. I look at both of my sides when my siblings sit down beside me while my mother sits with my dad. "What is this? You guys are rarely here and now all of a sudden you all are here," I said.

"Alejandro called me..." My dad says.

My blood stops rushing and all of the color in my face drains at the sound of Camila's father's name.

"He told us what happened with you and Camila in school three days ago," My mother speaks.

"Then you guys understand what happened, I've never felt so betrayed by someone," I said.

"The girl had a good reason!" My dad raises his voice which made me sink in my seat.

"Why? What is her good reason?" I ask.

My dad rubs his temples and lets out a sigh. "When she started this envelope secret admirer thing she thought you will never even look at her. Camila didn't expect all of whatever happened between you two to happen, she told me and your mother," My dad says.

"You... You guys knew?" I ask in disbelief.

"We caught her and we promised we wouldn't tell," My mother says.

"So you choose her over me? I'm your daughter," I said.

"Don't look at it that way," Taylor touches my shoulder.

I shrug it off as I stand up my eyes cold with no emotion at all. "You guys are my parents I can't believe I got betrayed by you two as well," I scoff and walk up to my room.

Camila's POV

I look down at my hands then up at the sky. I'm on the edge of woods right now, sitting on a fallen tree.


I turn around to see Mr. Jacobs walking up to me with a bottle of water. I take it from him and mumble a soft 'thank you'.

Mr. Jacobs sits down next to me and clears his throat. "You've been sitting on this tree that I cut down for the last couple of days, what's wrong?" He speaks softly.

"It's Lauren..." I mumble.

"What did she do?! I'm getting my bat."

"No, Mr. Jacobs," I touch his hand and make him sit back down next to me. "It was me who caused all of it," I said.

"Did she find out?" Mr. Jacobs asks.

I nod slowly feeling new tears start to form in my eyes. "She looked so hurt, betrayed, and mad... All three emotions at me," I whispered.

"I never really liked that kid but this is to comfort you so here it goes... She's just shocked, it will soon pass, I don't know that troublemaker much but I could tell that she cares about you so much," Mr. Jacobs rubs my back soothingly.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Call it wisdom due to my age if you want but I was a teen once in my life too," He smiles softly at me.

"What should I do?" I ask.

"If she doesn't come to you then you have to come to her," He says.

I take a sip of water and nod slowly, "Your right." I stand up and close my water bottle. "Thank you, Mr. Jacobs," I smiled down at him.

"Always here if you need some advice," He stands up as well. He points down at the fallen tree and gives me a playful smile. "Now I can get my firewood inside," He says.

I giggle softly and give him a quick hug before entering his house, exiting through the front door, and jog down the street towards my house.

Lauren's POV

"Will you stop being so naive!" My sister yells at me. She lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand through her hair. "You understand Camila's reason but you are letting yourself get driven by your fucking betrayal and anger over her that you can't even fucking see that you love her," Taylor says.

I take a step back as my eyes fall on the vase full of roses. The next day after I broke the vase I got it replaced, filled it with water, and put the roses I did so they stay as beautiful as they were when I got them. That night I told Camila I fell in love with her too and when she said it to me first I saw pure truth in her eyes. "She told me she loved me and I said it back," I mumbled.

"Did it seem genuine to you when she said it?" Taylor asks but in her tone it sounded like she already knows the answer to her question.

"Yes..." I answered.

"There's your answer, go fucking talk to her," Taylor says.

"You've never cussed at me," I said.

"This whole situation is giving me a fucking headache and I'm just so pissed at you right now, Camila is a great girl and you know it," Taylor says.

"I guess somewhere inside of me misses the envelopes and... Her," I mumbled.

"Somewhere in you or you mean your heart," Taylor walks over to me and takes my hand, laying it flat on my chest directly above my heart.

I take a deep breath to calm myself when I feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of Camila. I nod slowly and look at my window so I can stare at Camila's house across the street. "I'll go talk to her," I said.

"Great, now go!" Taylor grabs my shirt and pushes me out of my bedroom.

"Can you be gentle?" I scoff.

"No," Taylor rolls her eyes as she continues to push. My sister opens the front door and shoves me out then closes the door behind me.

I scoff but a smile forms on my lips as I turn around to face the Cabello house across the street. "Hopefully Camila's parents don't want to kill me or even worse... Camila," I whisper to myself.

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