Closer To You Than You Believed

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Lauren's POV

I slam the locker shut and I start to search the halls for Camila. I turn my head left and right but only see the stupid idiots of my school in the halls.

Everyone is looking at me curiously but also like I'm crazy.

I roll my eyes and ignore them when I see a bathroom door open. I see Camila's dark-skinned friend and I start to jog over. I push over a stoned out kid out of my way. "Camila!" My voice comes out loud and filled with anger.

Everyone moves out of the way to reveal Camila as the students press up against the lockers.

I walk up to Camila so my angry eyes can stare into her scared ones. I hold up the envelope as I speak lowly but my voice is filled with anger and betrayal, "Do you recognize this?"

"It's- it's you secret admirer's envelope," She answers.

"It ain't much of a secret anymore," I said. I step away from her and throw the envelope and rose down to her feet. "Turns out you're the person behind these fucking envelopes," I said loud enough so everyone can hear.

"How did you figure it out?" She asks, her voice coming out shaky.

"It doesn't fucking matter how I figured it out. What does matter is how you played me, I've never felt so fucking betrayed!" My face starts to turn red with anger.

"I wasn't planning on playing you, you are the one that got close to me," Camila raises her voice now.

I run both of my hands through my hair as I grip it hard. "I had you so close to me and I was fucking stupid to not realize it," I said.

"I didn't expect it to end like this, I didn't plan on getting close to you, it just happened," Camila says.

"Lier! You're fucking lying," I said.


"No, stay the fuck away from me, stay away," I step back when she took a step forward. I turn around, ready to leave but I turn around again. I walk over to Camila so I can be in front of her again. "I just need to know one thing. Besides all of those lies of the envelopes, we're the kisses lies too? And when we slept together last night?" I question.

Camila lifts her hand and slaps me hard across my cheek. "Don't talk to me like that," She says furiously now.

"I talk to you like that because you fucking deserve it," I seethe as I rub my red, stinging cheek. I let out an angry breath and I turn around as I throw open the school doors and walk out of the school.

Camila's POV

I feel tears start to trickle down my cheeks as I see the school doors close behind Lauren. I lift my hoodie and cover my face with it when I feel everybody look at me then back at the school doors where Lauren disappeared as they continue to look back and forth. I walk over to the restroom and throw the door open. I crash against the bathroom wall and slide down as all of the tears start to coat my cheeks.

Lauren's POV

I hit the brick wall of the school over and over again, my knuckles bleeding and probably broken. With all the anger, sadness, and betrayal boiling up in me I can almost not feel the pain. With one last hard hit, I slump against the wall, some of my blood dripping down my arm. I cover my face with my blood-stained hands, not even caring if I get blood all over my face.

Every memory for the last couple of weeks starts flooding my mind making my heart tighten even more with betrayal and hurt while my body shakes violently filled with anger.

I get up and wipe the blood I left on the wall and walk over to my car not wanting to be in school today.

Inside of my room back at home, I grab the vase full of roses and throw it at the wall causing the material to shatter and the water to spread as the roses fall on the small pool of water on the floor. I grab the shoebox and open the lid. My lower lip quivers as the tears start to flow. I take out envelope number 9 as all of the events yesterday flash in front of my eyes. I put the envelope back in the shoe box as Camila's scent on my sheets and pillow fills my nose.

I walk over to the window, move my curtains to the side and lift my blinds so I can gaze out towards the Cabello's house. I slump against the wall when I see a car pull up in the driveway. I look down at my hands and whisper, "Why Camila?"

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