(Rewritten) Christmas headcanon

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I have come by to say

Aizawa is the Grinch of class 1a, prove me wrong

Also I'll include characters under 18 cause this isn't nsfw


He'd think too deep into giving you a present

He'd probably spoil it with his mumbling

He'd buy you a all might action figure or maybe your favorite hero

Mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss mistletoe kiss

Since everyone lives in dorms they're be a big party and he'd be speaking to you the whole time, he's not much of a fan of party

He'd probably like movies like the polar express or animations like that

He'd build a snowman with you (if it's snowing)

Also snow angels


A snowball fight and he'd target Deku, prove me wrong

If your cold he'd use his quirk to make tiny explosions to keep your warm

He'd say something like "it's barely even snowing why are you so excited?" or "it's barely even cold, ugh come here"

He wouldn't give you his jacket though, he's still bakugou he's just be like "I can't control the weather damn"

At the start when you first wanted to play outside he was like "go play in a snow by yourself dumbass" so you'd be like "fine I will"

He didn't expect you to actually leave so he'd be grumpy for a second before giving in and put on his scalf to go outside with you

He'd get jealous of a snowman if you built one, prove me wrong

He'd make you hot chocolate and be angry if you question it, just shush and accept it.

He'd be like "I only did it cause your dumb head was catching a cold so take the shitty hot chocolate!"

One time he got a stuffed animal and you constantly hugged if and he got jealous and then cuddled you for hours not letting you go


Making snowman together

And making snow angels together

You two would make the Christmas tree together

For Christmas he'd do the clique of wrapping himself up and when you open the present he'd pop out shouting "merry Christmas!"

Then after he's get you a stuffed animal or something like that

The night before you two got Christmas pj's and wore it all Christmas Day

If you want him to he'll dress up as Santa

He'd act like a 9 year old and shake you awake on Christmas Day

Karaoke of Christmas songs


Like I said, he's the Grinch of class 1a

But to be nice I'll say that all he wants is you for Christmas

*cough* Christmas sex *cough*

He'd by you a scarf for Christmas

If you try waking up early for Christmas he won't let you and keep you trapped in his arms.

If you celebrate with your family he's TRY to come and enjoy it but be won't enjoy it

He'll also try to look presentable for your family but he'll hate every second it, but he has a soft spot for you

During the dorms at the party the students would put a mistletoe up and set you two up to see you kiss

(Percifically Mina would set you two up)


He'd be too shy to give you a present so either Mirio would encourage him to do it or he'll leave it on your desk for you to find

He'd also be too shy to put his name on it so you'll never know that it was you

During the Christmas party he would clinge onto you the entire time. Mirio would encourage him to stop clinging into you but it would fail

He'd make a snowman with you

Mirio would buy a Christmas tree and get you four to decorate it

You and tamaki would make cards together

You'd also make decorations together

Christmas movie marathon with all four of you


He'd buy a bunch of presents for everyone but not know how to wrap them. So you'd wrap them for him (he'd probably stare in awe if you do)

You two would decorate a Christmas tree together but he'd somehow break it

At the Christmas party it would denki being.... Denki but add him dragging you around a bunch (be honest you didn't wanna go to the party but denki would force you)

He would get you to do matching christmas sweaters

Sleigh riding with you and the bakusquad

You all would role down the hill and it would end badly


He probably never cared about Christmas but he'll celebrate it for you

You two would go Christmas shopping together and he'd spend a bunch of his money because it's from his dads credit card

He enjoys silence so if there was a party you two would skip to do snow walks

Kisses under the mistletoe (again matchmaker Mina at work)

He'd watch Christmas movies with you

He'd also make hot chocolate for you, the ones with whip cream, Marshmellows and a flake

For most of the day you two just cuddled in bed

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now