Sfw Dabi headcanon's

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I'm really bored during online class cause I've already done the work


⚠️manga spoilers, abuse mentioned, mention of raising a hand/shouting (he doesn't shout at you), skin graphs, bad hygiene, comfort, dark themes⚠️

He probably doesn't shower cause ⚠️manga spoilers⚠️ he somehow got most of the dye of with just a water bottle so he either dyed his hair everyday (which is unlikely cause he could of just got perminant dye) or he never showers.

I dought his skin graphs are from his quirk considering they come from his hands and with burns the skin would of burnt off. So my guess is since it's confirmed he's touya it was most likely from the abuse

As a kid he loved playing ball with fuyumi and natsu cause those were the few times he got attention

He likes it when you play with his hair cause to him it's recreating his childhood that he never got a chance to have

He probably mumbles in his sleep and has nightmares often so comfort the poor man

Toga customises his hair like give him bows and hair clips and the only reason why he let's her is because kurogiri Is watching.

In fact join her and he still won't hit anyone cause he won't hit you.

He's caught up in his past so if he yelled or raised a hand to you he'll have a panic attack in his room cause he's scared he'll turn out like endeavour

He gets lavender candles and lights them with his pinkie cause he finds the sent calming.

The smell of gasoline is a personal comfort for him

(Who doesn't like the smell of gasoline, like you know when a motorbike passes by)

Despite the fanon Dabi has never slept with anyone because he needs a strong trust to even talk to someone

He uses his quirk at random times cause he finds if satisfying when the flames dance around

(Just me? Okay)

He likes shopping at blue banana

(Blue banana is a kind of shopping area that sells goth clothes, they're really good)

He secretly has a soft spot for Shoto and feels bad for him which is why he only ever threatens or smesses with Shoto instead of hurting him.

(Don't mistake this for a ship thing please, I mean in a brotherly way obviously)

He doesn't like the color red.

You two found a abandoned building and for a couple of dates you two do really bad slow dancing while listening to music on your phone and laugh about how bad you two are at slow dancing.

If you wear a choker he'll find it attractive, not in a kinky way he just thinks they look good on you.

He secretly likes it when you kiss him all over his face because again childhood trauma thing but his ego would never let him say it.

He gets you a flower but doesn't leave a note saying it was him that left it there because his ego would never. But you know it's from him

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now