My opinion on different characters

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I really like Deku, not in a romantic way but if I was a character in bnha I would treat him like he's my son even though we are the same age

Loads of people hate on him cause he cries which I don't get at all

I would understand being annoyed at someone if all they do is cry and do nothing but Deku actually helps people and at this point people that hate him for crying when I ask them about it they just radiate toxic masculinity energy


I have..... Mixed emotions about Bakugou

I feel bad for him cause I know he's insecure and I know he feels responsible for All might loosing

But I don't think that should justify the fact that he told Deku to commit suicide and treats mostly everyone like shit. His insecurities could be a reason why he does it but those shouldn't justify it

I do understand he is trying to get better now which is why I have mixed emotions but he hasn't actually apologized yet

I'll let him off though cause right now in the manga he can't apologize or change his actions towards his friends but you can tell he's trying to be better

However one thing I may add, I don't think he's fit to be a hero at the moment.

Don't get me wrong be is strong and be works hard however,

1. During the training he refused to help injured people

2. His reason for being a hero is hella corrupt. He literally said himself he's only doing it for the fame a fortune


I love him so so so so so much!!!

How can anyone hate on him


I love that girl so much!

She gets a lot of hate and I don't understand it

Like I understand being annoyed at people for being bubbly and air headed but hating on them for that just makes you look like a actual jerk

And if you've actually seen her in the movies and in the manga or in any of the fights you will see she is definitely not weak and its been mentioned a bunch of times on how hard she's trains to be a hero

I also see people hating on her cause of her reason being a hero. Like yeah she's doing it for the money but not in a corrupt way she's doing it to support her family

It makes no sense cause they hate on her perfectly valid reasons but then turn around and love Bakugou when his reason is so corrupt. Make it make sense

I could go on a rant about about why the women in bnha don't deserve hate


I love it when women

I love her so much!!!

I will never understand the hate on her, most of the time people hate on her (and uraraka) because she's shipped with a male character, and that's it. Like bruh your hating on her for something she can't control

On top of that I will never understand the hate on her hero costume. She's only one with a valid reason to have skin showing (and it's perfectly fine for women to show skin if they went to as long as they aren't doing public nudity)

Meanwhile shindo over here has his chest out for no reason.

What do we call it when you hate on a woman for showing skin even though it's perfectly fine and she's covering her vagina and nipples. ✨sexism✨

Like bro what Is wrong with women showing skin? If that's that she wants to wear then let her, as long as she covers her nipples and vagina (cause public nudity is illegal) there is nothing wrong with her showing skin

Back to Momo, I love her so much

I hate how the animators changed her body cause in the manga her and uraraka and tsuyu and all the other girls gave realistic bodies for people their age

But then the anime creators had to ruin it


I hate him

I will admit I find him attractive (sadly) but he's a child abuser for fuck sake


I'm not targeting the whole fandom but, SOME people in the fandom ruined him for him

Tamaki amajiki

Baby boy. Baby


I wish he was my dad.

If you don't love fatgum at his chubby then you don't deserve him when he's skinny PERIODT

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now