(Rewritten) Nicknames

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He'd be way too shy to give you a pet name or even a nickname. Heck he would be too shy to say your first name


This rude was mother fucker would insult you.

Maybe shorty if your short or tree if you're tall

If you're his height then he'll give you a nickname based on you're looks

(He wouldn't body shame you or anything like that. Something like blondy or plain face or something like that)


This man is a sweetheart and would call you something that he got off a movie and he thought it was sweet

Something like honey or lovebug


I know this may be ooc of me but I can't help but think of the nickname little flame.

I just can't stop thinking about it


This basic ass blondy would be so basic and call you babe or Baby

Something average like that


He would also he so basic and call you by your name or just a simple babe

Prove me wrong


This man is such a toddler that he would call you daddy/mommy/parent

And not even in a kinky way he's just a toddler

"Mommmyyy Dabi said my plan was trash

"Daddddyyy Dabi said my plan was trash"

"Parrreeennnttt Dabi said my plan was trash"


This Gundham Tanaka kinnie would call you "my dark queen/king/Royal"

Prove me wrong!


Cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug cuddle bug


This boring ass mother fucker wouldn't even give you a nickname

I love him but he is so miserable 🙄


He would call you God/goddess

(Apparently God is genderneutral for those who go by genderneutral terms)

Like bro calm down your god complex is showing

(It's more of a narcissistic complex but oh well)

All might

I don't know why but I can picture him calling your my treasure or just treasure

I don't know why, I have no reason to think this I just do

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now