Kirishima with a trans male s/o

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I'm sorry for the gender but this is for my friend cause he has a transphobic family and he's been depressed about it lately, so since Kiri is his ultimate kin I wanted to do this for him

Really supportive when you came out

If you can't buy a binder then he'll buy one for you

(If your buying a binder make sure to check with a doctor and also I don't recommend wearing a binder when you still growing but if you want to I won't stop you)

For him it's easy to adopt to names and pronouns so he'll never mess it up

He'll support you no matter if you transition (regardless of how) or not

If you want surgery, he will help pay if you don't have the money and if you want hormone therapy then he'll also help pay that If you want

He has you in his emergency contacts so he can be there if your gender dysphoria makes you not want to get up

He always talks about how handsome you look

Especially if you get a new hair cut or you get a binder for the first time

If anyone calls you the wrong name or the wrong pronouns or the wrong gender he will gladly drop kick them

Kiri has a alarm cause he wants to always makes sure your not overbinding

He set a reminder on your phone/tablet/Samsung/iPad/etc to take your binder off before bed

(Before going into the dorms, If you did go to the dorms) If you have transphobic family or/and family members he doesn't mind taking you to his place so you have a safe place

(If you take hormone therapy) he sets a reminder for when to take them so you don't accidentally overdose or forget

You know that meme where 2 men back and fourth say "nice cock". Yeah you two are like that

He always gets you baggy clothes (if you want them) to help with your gender dysphoria

And if you have transphobic family members he will sneak in men's clothes

Kiri keeps spare hair die, binders, baggy clothes, etc at his place in case you need it

When he found out trans suicide is over 50% he's lowkey scared to leave you on your own cause of your transphobic family but at the same time he's worried he will annoy you

(Yes this is me exposing myself, shut up)

He acts like a parent to you so him and the squad are your new family instead of your transphobic family

If your confused

Hormone therapy: pills you take (or some form of medical) that switch your hormones to the oppsite gender so if your trans female you'll start to get breast cells if your a trans male your boobs will stop growing, however they can't change what's in between your legs

Surgery: a gender surgery that gives you think parts you want (so they'll give you a vagina and give you breast cells for trans female and give you a dick a cutt of the breast cells and prevent further breast cells being developers for trans male)

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