Tamaki sfw A-Z

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Tamaki is my ultimate Kin and comfort character so I'm gonna have a lot of fun doing this

A = Affection(How affectionate are they with a s/o?)

Tamaki would definately love affection, he was shy about it at first but he soon enough warm up to it

He would be uncomfortable in public though unless on a few times he asks to hold your hand in public

B = Breath(What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)

He loves how well you handle his anxiety and how patient you are with him

With his anxiety attacks nothing really helped until you met him, even before you two were dating you helped with his anxiety so well that he went head over heals for you and noticed other features like looks, personality, mannerisms, etc that just took his breath away

C = Cuddling(Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)

Of course the baby elf cuddles, he gets kind of shy about it so he prefers if he wasn't facing you but at the same time he could hug you

He finds you comforting but at the same time he gets note nervous when you see him nervous if that makes sense

So he prefers spooning or something so he can cuddle you without look into at you

And I won't lie he probably looks at you in a none creepy way when you fall asleep

D = Dream(What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)

This boy is so precious he dreams about marrying you in the future and Nejire as the brides maid and Mirio as the best man

He also lowkey imagines you two having kids (even if it's possible or not)

E = Effort(How much effort do they put into a relationship?)

He would put a lot of effort into the relationship (as much as his anxiety likes to out in) even if you don't want him to (but he knows the boundaries)

And you will also put in effort even if he doesn't expect you to
F = Fear(What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)

He wouldn't know what to do, it's mostly you helping him when he's scared but when it's you be doesn't know what to do so it just turns into a version of what you usually do to calm him down but Tamaki being stuttery and awkward

(It's like when the supportive friend has a mental break down and all of the mentally damaged friends don't know what to do)

G = Gifts(What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)

He will probably be very nervous to give you presents in person so he would probably leave them on your desk or leave it somewhere around the house he knows you will find

He sometimes does give it to you in person but it would he mirio encouraging him and him shaking

H = Hugs(Do they hug their s/o? How often?)

Since he finds you as his comfort (kind of like a comfort character but you would be "real" if you were a actual character in his world)

So hugs is a big comfort for him, especially when he's having a anxiety attack or he just needs it for whatever reason

Most of the time with hugs he's squeaking you tight (but he makes sure you can breath) and he has his head hidden in your neck or something like that

Sometimes he likes to sniff your sent (not in a creepy way he just finds it comforting)

I = Intimacy(How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now