Kirishima x reader fluff

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Right now you and Kirishima were cuddling in his room.

Right now it was sun down and the curtains were open so the room was filled with different colors of yellow, red, orange and other variety of colors.

You two were laying in bed while you were on Kirishima's chest, he had one hand on your back and the other playing with your hair.

He traced circles and other shapes on your back as he rested his chin on your head.

Hearing his heart beat was relaxing to you, your deep breaths matched with his heart beat.

You got up because you were getting hungry, you groaned and put your hands on his chest to lift yourself up

"What's wrong? Was I squeeking you too tight? Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can get you a drink" Kirishima paniced like a mom

"I'm just hungry Kirishima" you said

"I can make you something. Or I can get you (f/f)"

((F/f) means favorite food)

"No it's okay I can get it myself"

"Are you sure?" Kirishima questioned

You nodded your head and got off him to go to the kitchen in the dorms

Kirishima followed behind you because he was cuddly and wanted attention

You got some random food from the fridge and after you shut the door of it Kirishima wrapped his arms around you from behind

"Can we go back to bed?" he mumbles into your shoulder

"Yeah" you replied and instantly he picked you up and ran back to his room to cuddle again.

What you both didn't realise was Denki, Bakugou and Mina were in the living room on the couch

"What just happened...?" Denki questioned at the sight of seeing you two run back to Kirishima's room

The 3 peaked their head out of the couch facing Away from the tv

"Something stupid" Bakugou mumbled before he turned back to the tv

"That was adorable" Mina said in her usual upbeat tone of voice and faced back to the tv leaving Denki to be there only one with his head peaking out

Kaminari shrugged it off and faced back to the tv

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now