(Rewritten) Tetsutetsu headcanon's

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Cause of his quirk he needs a lot or iron so he manly/aggressively eats frostiflakes in the morning

He likes to pick you up and spin you would to show how strong he is

Monoma is his wingman

And by that I mean monoma sets Tetsutetsu up and Tetsu embarasses himself in front of you

Sometimes, I swear monoma SOMETIMES does a good job

Doesn't matter where be is, in the dorms, in training, in the middle of a battle

If that boy wants to cuddle you, he will cuddle you or he does the puppy eyes and do the grabby hands

He talks to kirishima on how to be MANLY in front of you

Before be dorms he gave you piggy back rides to school

When he gets flustered (especially around you) he accidentally activates his quirk

He fanboys about you all the time

"OMG did you see (y/n) in their super hero suit, (y/n) is so cool, I'm so glad they are mine not"

"Tetsutetsu shut up!"

Because of his sharp teeth he accidentally bites his tongue and then cries to you about it.

He will proudly hold you bridal style and explain how everything about you is perfect in front of everyone.

He's like a child. When he wants to show you something he'll tug on your clothes and frantically point at whatever he wants to show you

"Look look look look"

He's so lovey dovey in the morning

You: wake up Tetsu

Tetsu: *waking up noise and stares at you

You: what?

Tetsu: your pretty

You laughing: (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)

Tetsu: can I keep you?

You: of course

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