(Remake) Tamaki imagines sfw

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Imagine you had a hard day and tamaki makes a pillow fort that completely covers you two with a flashlight in the middle, he cuddles and kisses you and from the pillow for covering everything it feels like it's just you and Tamaki with nothing else, no worries, no villains, just you and him

⚠️bugs⚠️ Imagine you two going on a date in the butterfly garden and a butterfly lands on your nose with its wings covering your eyes and un-covering them like peek-a-boo. Tamaki laughs and takes a picture cause he found it adorable. You laugh and put the butterfly on your finger and put it near his nose making the butterfly land on his nose, you take a picture and you both have those pictures as your wallpaper

(Heavily inspired by how to train your dragon) Imagine in a fantasy au your a dragon that got caught in a trap and Tamaki takes pity on you and let's you free, at first you were scared by you soon warned up to him, he puts his hand out to you and covers his eyes on fear, after a few seconds you leaned to his making his hand lean on your dragon head, he pets you and that was the start and friendship (and soon to be relationship)

⚠️bugs⚠️ Imagine you and Tamaki go to a butterfly estate and you turn around and see Tamaki with one eye closed while laughing as soon bunch of butterflies land on him and it's the cuties thing you have ever seen

⚠️mention of a panic attack⚠️ imagine after Tamaki has a panic attack your both laying down on the bed as you gently play with his hair and he has his face buried into your shoulder

( this was inspired by a one shot I saw but I can't find the book do I assume the person deleted it) Imagine you have freckles and you really like the stars so one night the clouds are covering the stars making you sad so Tamaki gets a pen and starts drawing constalations by connecting your freckles.

The next day you were both late to class because he couldn't resist drawing more

Imagine your aizawa 2.0 so you look exhausted all the time so one day Tamaki leaves a not on your desk asking if your okay because you look really tired

Imagine one morning you decide to kiss Tamaki all over his face and he can't stop laughing in between your kisses

Imagine your both sparing and you manage to pin him down so you smile and say "you look cute when you fight by the way" you won the fight because Tamaki was blushing so hard that he fainted

Imagine Mirio and Nejire peek their head through your door and just see you and Tamaki sleep with Tamaki on top of you while the tv is still on.

(Not in a dirty way, get your minds out of the gutter)

(Inspired by ojiro and denki) Imagine you have a quirk that gives you a tail so when Tamaki gets anxious he plays with your tail. One time he got so anxious he just grabbed your tail and started to cuddle it

Imagine Tamaki getting anxious so he uses your back as his new wall

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now