Tamaki x reader cat cafe

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So for the sake of my piece of mine and insecurities of my readers I will do literal cats not cat girl maids

And keep in mind I've never been to a cat cafe so I'mma just assume it's a bit of cats running around while the waiters give you food, cause believe me with a cafe that has a bunch of girls in cat ears and maid outfits wouldn't let two minors in the place (keep in mind the age you are a adult Is 20 in Japan)

Btw I'm sorry if you hate cats or your allergic to them


As much as you both hate going outside, you loved cats just as much

So here you were petting a cat in a cat cafe while Tamaki was freaking out about a cat walking up to him so he hid behind you

(Prove me wrong when I says that Tamaki would be scared of a cat staring at him)

"I swear it's looking into my soul" he said nervously

He lached onto your arm and started shaking at the cat that was currently rubbing your knee as a way to say it wants affection

"Stop being silly tama~chan" you said while patting his hear "when Hado said you had the heart of a kitten she wasn't lying, except I didn't expect kittens to be afraid of cats"

He groaned and his further into your arm.

The cat cafe was just a small cafe that had to be out of town cause pets aren't allowed in town unless if they are guard animals, the place was overrun with cats and a couple of people on some of the tables. The waiters who were all in normal butler uniforms had cat ears on for the fun of it and were walking around checking on customers, giving tables and giving orders.

"Have you two finished deciding what you are going to order" a waiter came out of nowhere and asked you

Tamaki flinched at the strange voice and hid into your arm some more.

"Can you just give me 2 seconds and we'll give the order" you answered

The waiter nodded and walked away to give the order to the table near you

You looked at Tamaki

"If your feeling uncomfortable we can leave" you comforted him.

It wasn't hard to notice that he was scared of basically everything and you were kinda worried about him even though he was the one that suggested this shop.

Tamaki nodded and said "n-no I'm fine, i-i-iiits just that percific cat that I'm s-scared of, its staring at me...."

You tried to keep in a laugh but let out a few snickers now and again

(Your not you when your hungry- sorry)

"Bunny" he whined into your shirt from you laughing at him

"Sorry, sorry" you said while whipping a fake tear in your eye

The stroked the cat that was staring at Tamaki and scratched it's chin making the cat purr and set itself on your lap

"See it ain't gonna hurt you" you said to Tamaki.

He petted the cat finally and then quickly hide him in your shoulder from seeing the waiter coming back

"Now would you like to order?"

"We'll have two chocolate cakes with whipped cream" you said

You looked at Tamaki to check if he still wanted the chocolate cake and he nodded his head into your shoulder to say he still wanted it

Tamaki never liked talking so it's become normal for him to tell you his order and for you to tell the waiter yourself, Tamaki told his order earlier to you.

The waiter nodded and walked away to give your order to the waiter

You and Tamaki went back to petting the cat on your lap before more cats came closer to you two waiting affection and love

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now