(Rewritten) Sero headcanon's

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(Keep in mind Sero being Latina is a head canon not a canon thing)

Sero is the reason why the Bakusquad haven't gotten arrested yet

(Dekusquad getting arrested for murder in the distance)

Sero will wrap his tape around you and pull you close and nuzzle his nose to yours

3am spam memes, especially school related memes

He's really good at cooking and cooks for you almost every night

He likes to dance and he will grab your hand and show you how to dance to Latin songs (idk any Latin dance moves 😅)

His family adores you and his mother loves having you around a cook for you

If you ask him to pick an outfit for you he will somehow find the best outfit you could ever have  and somehow the lighting, the wind through the window, everything was somehow perfect even things he can't control

Second quirk: perfection

He's really good at make up

He probably has little sisters that be will protect with his life

He's also really good at makeup because he has sister(s)

I don't know why I just headcanon him of having a big family of sisters with him being the only brother

He loves it when you wear his clothes

He has a high spice tolerance

He's into the lower class foods than the high class foods, he really likes instant ramen

He likes wearing baggy clothes

He likes alt clothes and is probably in alt tik tok

He smells like roses and perfection

He will cuddle you while you wear one of his big hoodies

He likes pulling the string on the hoodies while you like chewing on the strings (just me? Okay)

Christmas is his favourite time of year cause he has a excuse to go to the shop to get you a bunch of gifts

Every anniversary he gives you a rose flower and to a fancy restaurant that cost more than my life

He likes comparing heights between you and him

Sometimes you both are wild and you two sing in the kitchen while making dinner together and sometimes you both are just calm and you both make dinner while he hugs your waist

Purposely puts mistletoe at the door way that you have to go through and he magically appears as soon as you go to the doorway

He thinks you look cute in a Christmas hat

He likes hot tea

He forces you to be healthy

He likes playing with your hair

He loves your hugs

He 100% sings in the shower

As a joke he's nuzzle you and won't stop kissing you. It's like play fighting but he holds you tightly while kissing you.

As chill as he is he sometimes gets really worried about you when you two split up (like for a mission or something)

He has a habit of biting his nails

He loves to do karaoke with you and the Baku squad

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now