s/o being monoma's childhood friend

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Starbucks is a must


If your in 1a he hates everyone but you so he's like

"You 1a's are so pathetic, you only have one good hero in your class your such losers!"


"You all are such peasants.... Except for you (Y/N)"


They see you and monoma react and everyone is like

"Teh fuck"

Cause that's the first time they have ever seen Monoma calm


You think monoma's bad? Ha! Wait until you see (Y/N) and monoma


You both just know what each other is thinking

Like you know when he wants Starbucks and when you have to hug him and keep him still so he can't annoy 1a


When he tries to annoy 1a you hug him into a cage so he can't move or do anything

You both call it "human restraining order"


Monoma: I'm so sad *dries tears with dollar paper* ( ཀ͝ ∧ ཀ͝ )

(Y/n): will making fun of 1a make you feel better ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ

Monoma: *sniff* yes


On your birthday he buys you gifts that are worth more than your life


I headcanon that he's secretly a sweetheart and if your crying he will either

1. Throw hands

2. Comfort the hell out of you


He's fantazied about you two becoming number 1 hero's together and being so close that the media questions if you two are dating


In the future you two are planning to be roommates together


He probably has a crush on you cause you at the only person that showed him affection

(A bit of a spoiler, he was bullied as a kid for his quirk and it heavily emplied his home life isn't all that good)


You two have sleepovers and you bet your ass he's brining the tea

Literally and metaphorically


At the dorms he always hugs onto your leg while you basically have to drag him so you can move because he didn't want you two to sleep in different dorms

"Don't leave meeee!!!"

"Monoma you can visit me!"


He would literally pay the principal so you two have the same dorm room

(And same class If your in a different class)


The clingy cause of the bullying trauma and your the only one that he considers a friend and your the only one that can calm him down


If your in a different class then Vlad always has to interrupt your class because your the only one that can calm him

And 78% of the time monoma has a fit on purpose to see you

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now