Shigaraki headcanon's

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He sucks at romance let's all be honest

And it's probably a brat and parent/dad/mum relationship

Cause he's a man child

You both watch fnaf lore, you can't convince me otherwise

"When was the last time either of us slept?"

When something bad happens he runs of crying to to


You have to force him to bed

"Shiggie let's go!"

"Noooooo! Sleep is for the weak"

"Sleep is for people who are good and get free food"

"Free food?"

"Free food"

(Copied of a tik tok I saw) You: I am proud of you and what you have ecomplished on Minecraft, but if we could get back to having seggs-

The pure definition of the meme "when you grow a pair you can call me back" "yeah I think your hot" keep in mine he's the one calling you hot

He's a grade A simp, mixed with brat energy

You have to force him to stop scratching his neck.

⚠️spoilers⚠️ (I wish I could be Deku at the mall scene)

He has a obsession with energy drinks. One energy drink and Kurogiri is calling you begging for help while you hear shigaraki maniacally laugh in the background

Ever since he got these gloves that only cover 2 of his fingers he's been addicted to touching you

Holding your hand
Cuddling you
Hugging you
Playing with your fingers
Stroking your hair
Holding your face
Rubbing his hand up and down your arms

Any kind of affection he's addicted to. He can't keep his hands off you

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