(Rewritten) When they get jealous

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He would cry on the inside and then question if he's good enough.

Just imagine your talking to someone and Midoriya just comes up and hugs your waist like a child while pouting


He would be angry about it and deny it.

Like he would be mad at you for no reason and if you question it he would yell.

Not in a way that scares you, you know he's just embarrassed


I don't see him as the type to be jealous cause he completely trusts you

If it counts he's protective, not overprotective. More like he would get in front and protect you if someone was harassing you.


Poor anxiety boy would get so insecure but feel bad that he is jealous if he was to tell you.

He trusts you and everything but he's just insecure that someone would treat you better.

So later on in the relationship, in maybe a couple of months he would tug your arm while hiding his face to tell you without saying anything.

He will also need comfort so please hug him after.


He would cry and whine to you. So you'll need to comfort him

As soon as you stop talking to the person he hugs your leg while crying and whining like your his parent.

Just comfort him and tell him your not gonna leave him


He would probably not show it but he is jealous.

If he is jealous he'll be blunt about it by grabbing your hand and dragging you away.


I can't see him as the type to be jealous.

At all.

Jealous is a thing for the poor rebellious children

(This is a joke, I can't make fun of poor people when me myself am poor)


This man would murder you ever your hanging out with.

This man's jealousy is up to 10000


He would be secretly jealous but hide it by gloating about how amazing he is compared to everyone and how perfect you two are of a couple.

So that the person would be intimidated and run off like it's a game of pokemon.


His jealous is over 9000

And he don't hesitate

If he sees that someone is getting too friendly with you he will burn them to a crisp

For the rest of the day he'll do things that make it obvious you two are together. Like hold your hand or have an arm around you, he won't give you an explanation as to why he's suddenly being so touchy


He's a brat

And when he's jealous it gets 10x worse

He'll whine for your attention and If you don't give him it he'll bite you

Yes bite you

He's an odd adult

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now