Tamaki x reader

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⚠️bloody knuckles, it's a game where you punch each other's fists until you get bloody knuckles⚠️

You were at the 1A training grounds with Kirishima cause that was the only place where you could use your quirks

Kirashima found this game called "bloody knuckles" and instantly wanted to the it

"3" Kirishima said as he turned on his hardening quirk

"2" you said as your prepared yourself

"1" you both said as you dramatically ran up to each other

And than.....



"Heyy" you greeted as you opened the door to the class 3A dorms

Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki were on the couch watching a movie (don't and where the other 3A kids are)

Mirio had one arm on the back of the couch and used it to wave to you with a smile, Nejire popped out from couch and waved at you while Tamaki instantly ran up to you and grabbed your hand

"B-bunny what happened? Who hurt you"

"Tamaki I'm fi-"

"Who hurt you?" he interupted

He realised he interupted you and quickly apologized multiple times

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I shouldn't be bossing you around I-"

"Tamaki your fine you were just worried"

Tamaki hid his face in your neck out of embarrassment

"Please just tell me who hurt you bunny?" he mumbled into your neck making it tickle a bit

"Me and kirishima were just playing bloody knuckles"

Tamaki lifted his head up slightly enough to look at you in the eye with a confused expression


"It's a game where you punch each other in the knuckles to make both of your knuckles bleed" You explained with a laugh

Tamaki groaned and put his head back in your neck

"Your too chaotic bunny.... Don't get hurt like that again" he complained

You laughed and put a hand in his hair

"Okay okay I won't.... Maybe"


You laughed at Tamaki's tone of voice that said 'I'm so done with this bs' but with a hint of shyness in it

Mirio and Nejire laughed at the sight, completely forgetting about the movie

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now