s/o being tamaki's childhood friend

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You are the only one that can calm him down

I mean yeah Mirio is also his friend but you and Mirio are really different when it comes to comfort

Mirio will give a thumbs up and accidentally end up speaking a little too high (not in a rude way, just a habit) and all of that just worries Tamaki more

You will rub his back and distract him from his anxiety attack

He prefers your way better (no offense mirio)


When he gets nervous he will either put his head on the front of you (your chest) or put his head on the back of you (your back)


If you have unhealthy habits

Like smoking to cop, not sleeping enough cause of fear, not taking care of yourself cause of body dysphoria, comparing yourself to others, etc

He will worry a lot about you and will do everything to make you happy cause he knows what it's like the be insecure and sad


He is the type of friend to give you flowers even if he's allergic

(He doesn't have a canon allergy)


You two go to the butterfly garden and he always takes a bunch of pictures when butterflies land on you


He (of course) has a crush on you but be will never say anything cause he's scared it will ruin the relationship


At 3am Tamaki will text you he's sad and before you know it you two are sending each other memes and laughing


Cause he has a crush on you Mirio has noticed and has now become Tamaki's wingman


People wonder if you two are dating cause of how close and touchy you two are due to you two not liking to talk to people so you both have had each other for years and also cause you are such a comfort to Tamaki so he wants to always be near you and touching you just helps cope with the anxiety


If you are a hero/want to be a hero than you two both work at the fatgum agency

And likely hood is Tamaki requested you to be there cause he didn't like being surrounded by strangers


(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now