(Rewritten) Bakugou with a s/o who is being bullied

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So let's be clique and say he didn't notice at first

But he did notice your change in behavior

As much as he doesn't show it he is observant and he can tell if someone is acting different

Especially you cause he cares about you

But his ego would never let him ask what was wrong cause he'd be too embarrassed when you ask about how he knew something was wrong.

Anyway if it's been weeks and you are still acting strange and haven't told him then he'll have enough.

Let's be more clique

He keeps on asking but you being you, you said "oh it's nothing" and other excuses

He gets enough of the lying and ends up kabedoning you by putting his foot on the wall next to him.

You can't lie when he corners

"Oi dumbass why the hell have you been acting so odd?!?!?" or something similar like that

Soon enough you give in (since you have nowhere to run) and told him about how people have been bullying you

He seemed angry

Well more angry than usual.

And he was clearly out for blood.

But right now you were more important so he didn't kill them straight away

Right now he wanted a explanation, and their names.

However, he has a reputation so he can't show you affection in public

So murder is now

He beat them to a bloody pulp and to make it worse be told Mina, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, etc so they will annoy the bullies for months

And then beat them up some more

As soon as you two got time alone he made sure to comfort you.

He gave you affection and kissed you all over.

He made sure to check to see if those bullies made you insecure

Be careful what you say cause one wrong word will make him beat up the bullies some more

He also compliments you.

Don't say that in public though or else he'll yell at you but you know he doesn't mean it, he's just flustered

If you feel uneasy around him since he pretty much was (or is depending on how intemperate him) then he'll be hurt

When you do feel uneasy he'll TRY and tone down the insults and the yelling at people because he wants you to hang out with him again

He can be a sweetheart when he wants to be

Don't question him about though cause he may of lost to will to say 'damn' in every sentience but he hasn't lost his ego that's bigger than mount Everest

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now