When's there's a spider

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What makes this better is my oc has a spider quirk and he's basically a teacher of 1a (or more of a teaching assistant I guess)

⚠️swearing, bugs⚠️


He's screaming a louder than you

And of course he cried
He climbed on your to try and get away from the spider.

You two were on a chair try to get away from the spider

The spider: 👁👄👁

Deku through random objects at the spider and it fell on the floor making him scream even louder and cry

Soon enough he had to get Aizawa to get the spider for you

Aizawa sighed in disappointed and just threw the spider out the window not bothering anymore

You probably woke him up

Deku was definitely embarrassed after that.

He was blushing like crazy from embarrassment. Like kirishima's hair color red.


He looked at you like you were stupid

"Are you kidding me dumbass, it's a fucking spider"

When you screamed he thought a villain broke in or something so he ran to you at the speed of light and bursts through the door

He just blew up the spider

He also smacked you across the head for being a dumbass and being scared of a tiny spider

(Don't listen to him reader it's perfectly fine to be scared of spiders)


He laughed. Not laughing at you just laughing (well maybe he is) he's just laughing at the situation

He also sees this as a chance to look manly to you

He wouldn't kill the spider of course (he's a angel he would never kill anyone)

So he would just cup it in his hands and put it outside

He would pay you on the head and tell you it's okay

If your embarrassed he'll comfort you while trying to keep in his laugh



He'll hide behind you to keep away from the spider

If you throw something at the spider and you miss he screams his head off and does the clique of hugging into you tighter and accidentally choking you

I think that's the loudest any of us have ever heard of him

Soon enough Mirio came in front all the screaming

You and Tamaki stayed away as war away from the spider and pointed at the spider begging from Mirio to take care of it

Mirio grabbed it and threw it out the window

"There we go" Mirio said with a smile as you and Tamaki hugged each other while shaking


He'll probably try and act confident but the second the spider moves he scream his head off

"Haha don't worry babe I will take care of i- OH MY GOD IT MOVED"

And then clinge onto you while your just like -_-

In the end you had to take of the spider.

You trapped the spider in a cup and paper and threw it out the window


The spider: nuuuuu ( ཀ͝ ∧ ཀ͝ )

The spider had a wife and kids how could you


He's obviously a canon germophobe

He isn't scared of it but he wouldn't dare touch a.... a bug 🤢

If you screamed at it he'll look at you like your stupid.

He'll probably just get one of his minions to get it

And after he'll back you and him away from the minion and spray them with anti bacteria like a owner spraying water at a cat

And protect you from the germs as well


He'll laugh at you

He'll say sorry though for laughing

He'll get it out of the house by using a cup and paper

He'll comfort you while trying to keep in a laugh

"It's okay mi Amor *snicker* *baby voice* the little spider won't hurt you"

"Shut up"

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now