(Rewritten) Shindo with a short s/o

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With characters under 18 I will do them as long as it isn't nsfw if it's sfw then it's fine

S/O means significant other, aka you or your oc or whoever you want

If you watch Hamilton together than you know full well when King George says "that little guy" Shindo with be the devil and out his hand on your head to show off your height

Shindo can't help but laugh when people mistake you for his little sister/Brother/sibling

He likes to compare hand sizes, he finds it so cute when your hand is so much smaller than his

When you two hold hands he can't help but think how adorable your tiny hands are compared to his

Cause your short his vibrations can effect you more easily and he will use that to his advantage

By shaking you when you try to focus on a test or something, get your minds out of the gutter

If you struggle to get something (like something from the top shelf or a book or something) he will tease you by putting it higher up

Shindo has a couple of times lifted you up like Simba while singing 🎶its the circle of life🎶

He of course calls you shorty

Shindo adores short people cause of how bigger he is compared to him. And he easy it is to piss them off when he makes fun of their height

He will talk to you in a baby voice as a way to tease you cause your height makes you look like a little kid

He likes to cup your cheeks (your face cheeks perverts) cause his own hand is bigger than your face and he just loves the size comparison

He will just pick you up randomly but your under arms and just laugh as your kick around cause you can't go down

He learned quickly that there is no point going on roller coasters

He teases you about your clothes size and shoe size

He likes it when your on top of him (for cuddling and stuff perverts) cause again.... Size

You in his clothes (which would be oversized on you) is the most adorable thing he's seen in his life

He full hold you like your a ball when he has to stop you from doing something

When you try to do something that effects your height he just staring in the distance like "your doing great sweetie"

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now