Deku sfw A-Z

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A = Affection(How affectionate are they with a s/o?)

He adores aftercare, feeling safe and comfortable is very important to him so he will do anything if he means making you comfortable

B = Breath(What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)

Your habits are always something be wouldn't mind sitting and staring at

Also, if you are training (if you are a hero) or your just working out, likes your fighting style and how you use your quirk (if you have one)

And also if you have some skill from drawing to just typing really fast, It doesn't matter it will take his breath away

Pretty much anything about you

And yes you have caught him staring at you with dreamy eyes and with his hand on your chin

C = Cuddling(Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)

Of course he loves cuddling

He prefers to look at your face (in a none creepy way) so he doesn't like spooning all that much

He prefers the honeymoon hug cause he gets to hold you and wake up to see your cute face

(Don't deny it you are beautiful!)

D = Dream(What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)

He 100% dreams of being a hero with you

If you are not a hero then he dreams of him coming back home from hero work and you running up and hugging him as you ask him how work was

He has those dreams at least once every two weeks (adorable boy)

And you have caught him talking on his sleep while having this dreams

E = Effort(How much effort do they put into a relationship?)

He puts as much effort as he needs into the relationship

As much effort as your comfortable with and as much effort as you can catch up with

However it isn't just him doing all the effort you have to as well or he will feel insecure and wonder if you even love you

F = Fear(What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)

If you do get scared like by lighting or by a scary nightmare he will cuddle you while petting your head and tell you it's okay

If your scared from pass trauma he will comfort you and tell you that as a hero he will protect you and love you with all his heart

If someone is scarying you then (if possible) he will keep you away from that person as much as possible, if you can't get away from the person (for example a classmate *cough* bakugou *cough*) then he will reassure you but if you are still scared after that he will to to Mr Aizawa after that

Even if it is his childhood 'friend' he will protect you cause he loves you more than anything in this world

G = Gifts(What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)

He would get an action figure of your favorite hero, he is well known for getting rare figures

If you don't have a favorite hero than he will get you little plushies

(And in the future he will give you his own merch as a present)

As for in return it would 100% be  all might merch, If you can't get the rare ones then that's fine, even if you gave him merch he already has he's fine with it

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now