(Rewritten) Kirishima headcanon's

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When he cooks (if he can) likes to go into his hard form and chop vegetables with his hand

He lowkey (okay highkey) can't cook like at all, he sucks at it

He likes to watch spiderman, you know cause the red and stuff reminds him of crimson riot

You have caught him staring at you with wide eyes and blushing multiple times

He cries to cook for you especially if you had a bad day at work or at school or something but he fails

He's trying

He wants to get a dog

He had a shirt that says 'manly'

He literally made a song he hums to himself about being a manly man

He will do the grabby hands with anime tears when he wants your attention

Kirishima was so nervous during your first everything first kiss, first time, you get the point

This man radiates soft boy energy

He lets you put his hair in a pig tail if you want to

Big pda, hand holding, hugging, face holding, etc

He can be your personal therapist if you want

A professional therapist: cost thousands of yen and never works
Kiri's unprofessional therapist session: free and 100% works

If he hasn't seen you for a while then when he sees you he yells out your name while running up to you and hugging you so hard that you both fall on the floor

His teeth are so sharp he accidentally bites his tongue and then he cries for you

Kiss it better

Wink wink ('^ω^')

Sometimes he falls asleep while in the main room and he cuddles on your lap with his arms around your waist

He doesn't know why but he likes it when you help dye his hair, he doesn't know why he just like the feeling of your fingers in his hair

He likes nuzzling his nose with yours

You both lie down in bed and listen to music with one ear piece in each others ear

For Halloween he did a wolf and all night you were just petting him and calling him a good boy, needles to say he enjoyed it

You both cuddle and watch anime together

When he gets excited he grabs you and starts shaking you

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Look at the big elephant, its so manly and cool"

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now