Shoto x reader fluff (birthday special)

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How dare y'all forget his birthday, I've never felt so disappointed


Affection was definitely something that Shoto wasn't use to

Which is more of a reason for you to show affection, plus it was his birthday so of course you give him more affection than usual

It was just you two in his dorm on the bed (don't get dirty thoughts this is a fluff not a lemon) as you give him kisses a cuddles, it was a day off for everyone and it was in the middle of the day but because you two are introverts you had your curtains closed and the lights were off leaving the room quiet and relaxing.

Shoto never got affection as a kid or any time in his life so he was confused but he was also touch starved so he accepted it.

You were both lying down in the bed facing each other with the teddy you got him for his birthday long forgotten on the floor. You were giving him kisses all over his face as he has his arms around you.

"Happy birthday" you said again

"Oh right" you realised you forgot something, Shoto looked at you as if to ask what you are going to say "I know your not the type to like parties and all so I wondering if it was okay to stay in all day, but if you want we could go outside we a walk"

Shoto buried his face in your chest and mumbled "stay inside" as a way to say that he wants to stay inside and cuddle all day


After a while, you both ended up with you laying on your back and Shoto's head in your chest listening to your heart beat.

You stroked his hair, which he was clearly enjoying. And stroked his back as a way to relax him.

Shoto isn't the type to want a party or a mountain of presents. For his ideal birthday he would want one or maybe 2 presents that aren't too prisey from his special someone and enjoy the day in silent as they cuddle him.

You kissed his hair and leaned your cheek on his head as you twirled your finger on his baby hairs at the end.

Shoto moved his head to your shoulder since he thought it was more comfy, you felt his warm breath on your neck making it tickle a bit but not enough for you to laugh.

You both ended up breathing in unison as you both felt completely relaxed.

"I love you" Shoto mumbled into your neck, you felt his lips brush against your neck making it tickle

"I love you too" you replied back to him

He kept his arms around you as you felt him starting to fall asleep in your arms.

Not gonna lie, you felt like you were gonna fall asleep too from how relaxing it was.

"Happy birthday" you mumbled sleepy as you slowly closed your eyes to fall asleep leaving only a bit of your eyes open to say that to him.

"Thank you" he mumbled as you felt him completely relax in your arms and fall asleep.

You fell asleep soon after as you relaxed against Shoto with his half hot and half cold body making your body warm and relaxed.


"Did you get that?"


The door was slightly opened revealing Denki and Mina watching you two with Denki crouched down and Mina peaking out of the fall.

Denki had a camera to record it and blackmail you with it later.

"Well done Pikachu" Mina said with a thumbs up and sparkles in her eyes at the idea of future blackmail

(Book 3) Bnha x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now