chapter 15

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2018 - fifteen 

"you already factorised it wrongly from the start," yedam was helping minji check why she did not get the final answer in the math question. it was the day they were going to the carnival, and since it only opened at 5pm, they had decided to meet up to study before that. 

minji hummed back in response, taking back the paper to correct what she had done wrongly. 

"do you want to sleep for a while? you haven't gotten proper sleep in a long time," yedam looked at the female worriedly. 

the entire week had been rough for minji, with another classmate annoying the hell out of her in every lesson, and an upcoming competition making her stay in school till late everyday. she had less than 10 hours of sleep the entire week, and her body was clearly going to give in soon. furthermore, her proposal for radio club was recently rejected, and it did not help that she was the only one from council and could write up a decent proposal. she would rant about her day to doyoung at night but it seemed like the male did not care at all, patronising her with 'it will get better'. she hated the way he responded to her but she also figured that she was becoming annoying and taking too much of his time. however, she was usually the one initiating the conversations, and she usually talked about her life so that the both of them would at least have a reason to talk. 

however, minji shook her head, "if i sleep then i won't be able to finish the homework. i'll go get water first."

yedam slightly sighed at her stubbornness and watched her walk away to the water cooler as he opened his phone and browsed through his instagram, seeing doyoung's story right on top. 

at the same time, minji took out her phone, so she would not look so lonely. when she opened instagram, she was on the same page as yedam. looking at doyoung's story. it was not what she had expected, she thought he had went to a school event with haeyoung but on her screen, she could only see the mall that he promised to go with her. 


kim dumbyoung

did yall even reach in time

we ditched it
we're at qline rn

omg wtfuck
you rlly suck


you go fuck yourself bruh


after that conversation, minji decided to block doyoung, and tried to forget about it. she returned to her seat where yedam was as the male took his bottle from her. 

"you good?" yedam's eyebrows crossed as he questioned. 

"doing very fine when i just found out doyoung went QLine with haeyoung," minji slightly sulked. she would not do this in front of anyone, just yedam and at times doyoung. they were the ones she was comfortable with. 

she then heard her phone vibrate and saw a notification pop up:

dobbyoung tagged you in his story.

when she opened the story, she saw a picture of the known waterfall outside QLine mall, with the captions reading, "bet you wanted to be here too @/min.ggggggg". 

"and now, what the fuck?" she simply swore and showed yedam the story.

"look minji, calm down first."

"calm what down? i'm so damn calm," minji said but her words did not portray what she was doing. she quickly replied to the story he tagged her in. 


(mentioned you in their story)

you go fk yourself please

Omg u bitch


afterwards, she went ahead to block him on instagram as well. 

"did you really have to block him?" yedam looked at her.

"he's being really childish right now. i don't even know what he is doing," minji rebutted. 

he then raised one eyebrow, "and you're being just as childish as him, you know?"

"can we like not talk about him anymore..." minji was sore on how he went with haeyoung instead, when they had promised to go there together. she did not like how she would always wait for him to do anything but his dumb ass could not even see it. he probably thinks she does it for everyone as well. 

on the other hand, doyoung looked at his phone and simply thought, "i'm fucked." however, he was not as bothered as minji. he remembered that he still had company with him and decided to think about this problem later in the night and just have fun first. 

upon arriving at the carnival, minji kept looking at her phone. she was angry at doyoung but at the same time, she knew she was the childish one for blocking him first. 

"what about you apologise first?" yedam asked. 

"why? but it's not my fault." minji hated saying sorry, especially when she did not have to. it was her mentality that 'i am right, you are wrong'. 

"because you're clearly the one suffering here. honestly, do you think doyoung cares? he's probably having fun with haeyoung right now and you're the one who is fretting over it. at least if you apologise, you can enjoy this moment, this carnival, without constantly looking at your phone," yedam lectured. he did not want to see the girl he likes so much to have more load added to her worries and he ought to give doyoung a good beating after this. to add on, he wanted to make this day a memorable one for her and start courting her. 

minji squatted down and looked at her phone, "but that's what you say all the time. and i'm the one giving in all the time. i'm tired too."

yedam then bent down to her level and looked at her in the eye, "it's just one message. don't you want to at least mend this friendship?" 

the female bit her lip and opened her chat with doyoung. she first unblocked him and sent a simple message. 

i'm sorry

with that, she closed her phone and hoped that would start solving the problem. "okay, great, where do we start off?" minji smiled after letting a load off her shoulders. it would be great to just enjoy the day first and worry about doyoung later in the night. 

"that's more like it," yedam pinched minji's cheeks, to her surprise and interlocked their fingers together, "just for today."

minji nodded her head and let herself get pulled around by the male. she did not realise how much she missed out while getting worried over doyoung. she looked at the colourful lights, shining in rainbow colours and the different installations. the carnival was beautiful, astonishing, no wonder she dreaded to come here. her eyes then moved down to the warm hand which enveloped hers as they walked her through the rows of food stalls. 

he was gorgeous.

well, now damn it, her heart needed to stop beating for everyone that is nice to her. 

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