chapter 30

269 22 15

sixteen - 2020

'would anything change between us after i've confessed?' this was the only thing doyoung thought about while going to school. 

"doyoung!" he heard a female shout from behind him. minji ran to his side while yedam quickened his steps. 

"the both of you came to school together?" 

"we met on the same bus," yedam replied. 

doyoung quickly hugged yedam and kissed him on the nose tenderly. the confused older was shocked while doyoung carried on to kiss him on the forehead. realising what was happening, the yedam quickly pushed him away, "what the heck are you doing?!"

minji looked at the scene and realised what doyoung said yesterday about 'it's my way of showing love to my friends'. she laughed before pulling yedam to her side, "hey it's my turn now," and pulled his shoulder down, jokingly going to kiss him on his cheek. 

yedam's face went crimson red before doyoung pulled him away from minji, "no, that's not happening." 

the oldest stuttered due to the shock that his crush was about to kiss him on the cheeks, "don-don't involve me in whatever happened between the two of you yesterday. 

minji just laughed and asked, "do you want to go get milk before class starts?" 

the two boys nodded as they head to the cafeteria and bought strawberry milk, banana milk and melon milk. they all had such different tastes. 

"how was the new bubble tea shop?" yedam tried to start a conversation. upon hearing the question, the duo remembered the happenings of the day before, causing minji's face to reddened while doyoung looked at the female. however, the female kept her composure, "it was good but the queue was really long. we can go there together next time when the hype dies down."

so it was just a normal happening and nothing special to her? doyoung was a little disheartened. 

at the same time, doyoung received a text from junkyu. 

koala kyu

the dance trials isn't over yet even if you didn't show up yst :-(
we are always waiting for you to come

right, he completely forgot that he forgone the dance club trials to go out with minji. he quickly gave junkyu a text back, because he not only needed the escape this uncertain atmosphere but also needed someone to talk to. 

can we meet irl?
@ lvl 3 garden?

junkyu was confused as to why the younger had wanted to meet in person when the scheduling could be done over text. 

see you in 5

once junkyu had texted back, doyoung quickly told the other two that he had to meet junkyu regarding dance club first.  

when doyoung was walking to the garden, all he could think about is how he is going to tell junkyu everything for him to understand. it has been a really long time since they had a long conversation since junkyu left middle school and is practically not updated about his lives at all. 

furthermore, would junkyu be able to understand such feelings when he has not dated in his life? but screw it, he just really needed to get some advice and someone to tell him if minji likes yedam. 

hey, best friend // treasure's kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now