chapter 4

413 34 5

2016 - thirteen

"what do girls like?" doyoung asked for the umpteenth time as they shopped around looking for the christmas presents. 

it has been two hours since they entered the mall and had no progress so far. well because doyoung was trying to observe what minji likes and minji was trying to observe what doyoung likes. 

so, what progress could they have made? when none of them were observing the items around them. 

"how many times are you going to ask this," minji sighed, "just get something general or something."

"hmm... then what do you like?" doyoung straightforwardly asked and when he did, his face went a little too close to minji to make her blush. the female was startled by his sudden actions, making her zone out from her surroundings.

"hmm?" doyoung then prompted again, with his right eyebrow raised as he took a step back. 

minji went back to the right state of mind and looked around, "i mean... uhm... what about we go our separate ways and find the present? then we meet back here in half an hour. it'll be more productive."

the taller could only nod his head as he then watched minji slowly walking away. 

the poor, clueless boy could only continue to walk around aimlessly until he could find something suitable. lucky for him, hope came for him just in time when he saw a stall at the side selling bracelets.

as he looked closer, most of the designs were rather simple, and would suit either a guy or a girl. by that, it also meant that even if he did not get to give the opposite gender, his gift would still be appropriate for a male. 

the one that really caught his eye was a chain bracelet with a daisy as the charm. there were two types, one with only one daisy, and the other with three daisies. 

"young boy, are you interested in these bracelets?" an old lady, probably the stall owner, asked doyoung.

the latter nodded his head and smiled back at the old lady, "may i know the price of one?"

"ahh, you see, it comes as a pair, it is a couple bracelet. daises represent innocence and purity, just like young love. each set is 10 dollars."

in doyoung's head, he could only think about how smart it would be to get a couple bracelet. because no matter what gender he gave it to, they could give the other bracelet to their other half. 

what a genius he must be.

"i'll get it!" he then took out his wallet and paid for the bracelets. deep in his heart, he was also thinking of getting an extra set, because the bracelets were too pretty to not buy. however, he only overcame the temptation when he remembered he no one to give the other bracelet to. 

the old lady packed a new set of bracelets for the young boy and sneakily attached a note inside. 


on the other hand, minji was not as lucky as doyoung to chance upon something to buy as a christmas gift. no matter how much she cracked her head, nothing came to mind and there was nothing that inspired her.

it was difficult, of course. she wanted to buy a gift that held meaning, but at the same time also seemed practical. afterwards, she just gave up on that idea and decided to go for something weird and quirky. 

she spent 5 minutes in a shop, and came out with a small bag. it was only a few dollars, so she could still go for another gift.

she then walked into a skincare shop and bought a few masks, because boys still need to take care of their skin right? 

when walking out, she saw a corner where lipbalms were placed, and all she could think of was:
ah, how long has it been since i talked to hyunsuk?

although the thought of him lingered lesser these few days, it was clear that she had never really gotten over him. i mean, if someone you liked and depended on so much, suddenly got himself a girlfriend, who wouldn't feel foreign? 

it was not that minji could not accept how he was with someone other than her, or that she was afraid eunji would get the wrong idea. but it was simply that minji was afraid something would slip out, and her feelings might develop further if she continued talking to him.

the female then shook her head to get the thoughts of hyunsuk out of her head, as she looked at her phone to check the time, she saw the date too. 

30th November.

ah, doyoung's birthday would be coming soon. 

she then hurriedly went to a shop to get the present he always have wanted and smiled to herself. minji was just glad she was observant enough to remember doyoung have been wanting it for a long time. 


"what did you get?" doyoung asked, eyeing on the bags minji was holding. 

"secret," was all she said.

he then looked at it suspiciously, "are you not going to ask me what i got?"

"would you tell it to me when i didn't tell you?"

"nope," he then smiled.

"then what's the point of asking?" the female then facepalmed herself.


the two then continued walked towards the bus stop in silence. it was not an awkward one,  instead, it was a comfortable silence. because they knew they did not have to feel obliged to start off a conversation. 

a/n: a filler chapter here because treasure's AAA rookie of the year!!! and doyoung birthday is coming soon :DDDD

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