chapter 22

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2019 - fifteen

since that day, many events unfolded themselves -- doyoung and minji were more comfortable with each other, doyoung and yedam were more open in courting the female, competitions had ended, clubs were put on a halt, minji texted haruto occassionally. most importantly, finals had came. 

it has been 4 months, of course multiple things would have happened. now, it was the last exam in this school, at least for the year 3s, for doyoung, yedam and minji. it was not surprising that minji had gotten more sleep during this time as she no longer had to stay up for multiple proposals but instead could spend the time studying. 


Good luck for your last exam

will you be flying back soon? 

Maybe 2 weeks later
We can celebrate then

oo okay

Won't disturb you from your last min revision anymore 

"who's that?" yedam asked after minji had put down her phone. the female slightly smiled, "my mom." it has been quite some time since minji had seen her mom in real life and she missed her dearly.

he then pointed at the clock, "oh it's 7.14. 3, 2, -" and a boy came dashing in, "he came early today." with his counting, minji could only laugh at how absurd yedam's prediction was. doyoung placed a bottle of banana milk and strawberry milk on their tables. here was doyoung, crashing in their class like every other morning, right on the dot at 7.15am.

"good luck for math," doyoung poked a straw into the bottle for minji. 

yedam took the strawberry milk and put it in front of doyoung, "poke it for me toooo." seeing his pout, doyoung complied with him, only to receive another request, "wish me luck for math too?"

"yah, why are the both of you flirting so openly?" minah shook her head while walking into the classroom. 

minji sighed, "you see what i deal with every morning?"

while doyoung received another request from the president to feed him the milk, "actually," he pointed at minah, "you're just jealous because your boyfriend is in high school," then he pointed at minji, "and you're just lonely because no one is treating you like this," lastly, he patted yedam's head ," right babe?" yedam nodded and blew a kiss to doyoung

"what the fuck did i just see..." minah then pretended to gag. 

minji then flipped open her notebook, "something im used to seeing, they have been filming their own sitcom everyday. oh yea, why did you come?" 

"it's the last day of the exams anddddd do yall want to go out after school? and maybe get some tteokbokki?" 

"wah wah, it's the first time minah isn't busy with jihoon, but yea sounds good" minji nodded her head. 

"what about dodam?"

the two looked and pointed at each other, "i'm going if he's going." 

"i'm really not used to seeing them like this. can someone please tell me how this happened..." minah sighed. minji could only shake her head, "i would if i could. they just miraculously entered the classroom one day and became, so loving."

but actually, the two boys knew. it started a month after minji and doyoung had gotten on better terms. 

doyoung dashed to the student council room to look for the president, the only person he could confide in whenever he had unknown feelings gushing to him. he was sure he liked her, but he wanted someone to slap him and tell him not to like a best friend. 

once he found yedam, the boy apologised to the other councillors in the discussion and pulled yedam out, "sorry, please let me borrow him for a while."

"are you good?" the president looked at doyoung panting profusely. 

wiping his sweat, the taller asked, "how does it feel like to have feelings for someone?"

not knowing where to start from, yedam adjusted his spectacles, "what about you try to explain to me what had happened?"

"i don't know where it all started but... it's this weird feeling that tugs my heart, making me really upset or angry whenever she is nice to someone else or someone else is nice to her. and i want her to stay as my best friend forever, i cannot imagine if she dates someone else." unless it was yedam, doyoung thought in his head.

the raven head shook his head, so doyoung finally realised his feelings? "liking someone is not about being with her all time, but always being there for her when she needs you, to be able to make her happy or accompany her. and that weird feeling, is jealousy, is about being insecure of whether she will always remain beside you. and no matter what, you feel happy when you're around her," he then said the latter part is a sterner tone, "but don't mistake it as feelings, just because you liked the feeling of being loved."

doyoung hung his head low, he never thought of it that way. "don't worry, you really like minji," the president stated. 

"how, how would you know?"

gesturing to the face, "it says all over your face. since a long time ago."

doyoung was still confused, "but it feels different compared to liking chaerin. it's like i won't need to make the conscious effort to get her attention or i don't necessarily think about her alot or get nervous sometimes."

shaking his head, yedam made it simple for doyoung, "that's because minji is your bestfriend and she had feelings for you already. you don't need to get her attention because she only had eyes for you from the start. you don't think about her alot maybe because y'all are together 24/7. and why the hell would you be nervous around your best friend? you've just been fortunate." 

now, doyoung finally understood, he slowly patched up the different emotions he had and was now sure, he really likes minji. he pulled yedam into a hug, "thank you hyung, you're the best."

the president could only sigh, was he a saint? helping someone else chase the girl he likes. he pat doyoung's back, "i hate you for telling it to me."

"you told me too!" the younger huffed. 

"fine, we're even. so we just do what we want to do now?"

doyoung nodded his head, "one more thing, you're always with minji, so can i pretend that i'm sticking to you so i can be with her? i'm scared she might start avoiding me again"

"do you think i'm angelic enough to..." before he could even finish his words, the younger had already nodded his head very eagerly with puppy eyes, "okay, fine fine fine." if it was anyone else, it would be a straight no, but this was doyoung.

since then, yedam had always acted very mushy with doyoung so the latter would want to take back his words. however, doyoung also enjoyed playing along with him. 

and that was how the two started acting like this. 

a/n: LOL plot twist, dodam ends up together instead 0.0 

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