chapter 29

258 27 9

sixteen - 2020

"hmm... do you want to share one cup and get a snack from somewhere else?" doyoung looked at menu.

"hazelnut milk tea, with small pearls?" minji suggested, knowing that was doyoung's favourite. 

"is that what you want?" the kim knew that minji preferred fruit tea over milk tea.

the female nodded her head, "this place specialises in milk tea right, might as well get it." the duo then queued at the newly opened bubble tea shop, and ordered a large cup of hazelnut milk tea. the queue was so long and they had waited for 30 minutes just for it. 

once they had gotten their hands on their cup, they each proceeded to post a story of it. both stories were taken in different angles, different styles, but could be seen was the matching bracelets they always had. 

"mm, it's good," doyoung poked the straw into the cup and starting sipping on the milk tea. it was just as how he imagined it to be, and was not too sweet for his liking too. he then handed the cup to minji. 

minji was not exactly a big fan of milk tea but she enjoyed this milk tea as it was on the lighter side, "yea, it's not as heavy as i expected it to be."

while walking away from the shop, minji had fished out her phone to check if anyone had messaged her. at the same time, doyoung also used this opportunity to look at his phone. 

to their amusement, this were the notifications which they had seen on their phone screens:

(min.ggggggg) pjwoo replied to your story:
when will my ship sail

(min.ggggggg) 0314.hoon replied to your story:
wtf dude... there's such a fine man in front of you and you tell me you have no chance

(dobbyoung) kyu12345 replied to your story:
so you ditched me for her >:(

(min.ggggggg) watanabe_ replied to your story:
and you tell me yall are not dating???


"bruh, it has been three years since we've been like this, why do people still ship us," minji sighed after looking at her phone's notifications.

"it's fine, i mean we're used to it," doyoung took a sip of the milk tea and passed it to her.

she simply took a sip of it and said, "when will people realise it's not possible?"

"why though? why can't we be more than just friends?" he took the cup back carelessly, making the whole drink spill on the ground.

their footsteps paused for a moment, as they looked at each other. "really?" was what she said. but he did not know whether that was implying to his actions or his words.

the boy then squatted down to clean the milk tea on the floor up, then threw the cup away, "they say, there's no point in crying over spilt milk. it's true, we have been through this before and we should not be regretting what happened in the past. be it your feelings for me, or how i treated you. but we can always clean it up, fix it and make sure that this milk does not spill." he then paused, "we? we can always be more than friends." he knew he was being very impulsive in saying this, not even knowing if minji likes yedam or not.  

"wait, no no no, that's not what i meant," the female looked so confused. she never knew of his feelings for her and what he said had just came as a shock. 

doyoung held her hand, "what is it?"

"young ah?"

"hmm?" he gave her hand a slight squeeze to reassure her. 

"you like me?" she sounded a bit doubtful. 

right, he never confessed to her properly but asked to be be more than friends. he then grabbed onto her other hand as well and looked at her in her eyes, "i like you, minji. i like you so so much."

the mentioned girl gulped, never would she have expected that this would have happened, especially after liking him by herself for the longest time. overwhelmed by his confession, her eyes started to become teary as she told him, "you're so dumb, why would you like me."

doyoung then pulled her to a nearby playground where there were less people and let her sit down. "stupid, there's no reason why i like you. i just do," he slowly wiped off the potential tears that were falling. 


seeing how minji was not believing him, he placed a kiss on her nose, "it's because you're so annoying and i have to see you everyday, that makes me likes you." 

he then kissed her forehead, "and maybe i like how you're so meticulous in your work but your table is a complete mess." 

then her cheek, "also the way you always get upset in my stead when people are mean to me. do you want me to continue?" 

"n-no..." the female stuttered, "aren't you doing this too much today?" 

"do what?" 

she scrunched her nose, "all the kissing?" 

"do you not like it?" doyoung pouted, "it's my way of showing love to my friends."

not liking how she was not the only one receiving this, "so you're going to go to school and kiss yedam on his nose, forehead, cheek too?" 

"why not?" he joked. 

"ah... then can i do it too?" minji played along with him. 

raising an eyebrow, doyoung said, "it's my way of showing love! not yours!" minji could only shake her head and laugh. 

a dream come true, wasn't it? was doyoung finally hers after 4 years?

"so, is it okay to continue being this affectionate?" doyoung went closer to minji's face, hoping to get her consent. the female nodded her head and pecking him on his lips, before bouncing up and walking away to the snack cart. 

doyoung was momentarily stunned, it was the first time their lips had touched and she hopped away like that. "hey! come back!" 

"no!" minji ran away with doyoung chasing after her. once the male had caught her, he hugged her from behind, "you know? you told haruto you liked someone?"

leaning her head on his shoulder, "wah, i thought he would keep quiet about it." so now, minji thought that doyoung already knew that she still liked him. 

"so?" doyoung was hoping that minji would say it was him with how she had acted earlier on. it was like she accepted his feelings for her already. 

"so?" minji was not sure what doyoung was asking about. but she was waiting to see if doyoung would officially ask her to be his girlfriend. 

the male, however, shook his head and let go of the hug, "let's go to the snack cart?" he then held out his left hand for minji to hold onto. 

"yea, let's go"

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