chapter 13

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2018 - fifteen

since that day, minji decided to not risk moving their friendship any further. their relationship remained rock solid for a year and were soon known as the world's best friends. 

to those who were close to them, they knew they were just very good friends but to the rest, it was as if they were dating already. every weekend, their instagram stories will be filled with the other and they did everything together, even though they were not from the same class. 

"the both of you look cute together." 

each time someone asked that, minji pretended to hate it and shook her head but inside, her head was screaming and loved the fact that someone would say that. yet, doyoung was always fast to react and denied it, "i'm the one who makes it look cute."

with yedam, minah, hyunsuk and eunji knowing about her feelings for doyoung, they constantly pushed her to confess. 'you never know if he has feelings,' eunji would say. 

however, there was never a day that minji listened to them and she kept her feelings to herself. when she got jealous of other girls with him, she had to constantly remind herself that doyoung did not belong to her, and she had no rights to feel that way. 

that day, when the new class combinations came out, she prayed so hard that she would end up in the same class as doyoung. after all, the both of them choose biology as their science, but took different humanities. but life does not go the way they want all the time and she did not end up in the same class as him. instead, she continued being with yedam, eternally grateful for him after she saw the entire class list filled with weird people. 


"wow, i suddenly feel i shouldn't have came in," doyoung laughed when walked into the room seeing yedam and minji sleeping on the table while facing each other. not going to lie, doyoung felt a tinge of jealousy when he saw it. but doyoung being the doyoung he is, he just brushed it off and sat in front of them. 

he did not want to wake either of the two up, remembering that the both of them had stayed up till 3am to finish the proposal. a book on his hands and his earpiece in his ears, that was what had occupied doyoung for the next 45 minutes. 

while stretching, yedam's arms accidentally hit doyoung's, making him aware that the younger had arrived. "here for minji?" yedam whispered.

"mhmm," doyoung nodded and watched how yedam instinctively stood up to pull the window blinds so the shine would not shine directly on minji's face, "you like her, don't you?"

when he asked, he was hoping yedam denied it, said that he would do that for anyone. that was how yedam was, he was the nice and smart student that stood the highest possibility to run for president. 

yedam knew he had feelings for minji, he definitely did. "i do, what about you? do you like anyone?"

upon hearing that, doyoung smiled for yedam, "that's nice. minji is a great person." well, he had thought he once had feelings for minji, but seems like he should not end up in a fight for a girl, with his childhood bestfriend.

"i don't like anyone now though," he answered yedam's question. at the same time, minji started to wake up with the noises the two boys had made.

"did we wake you up?" yedam asked softly as he caressed the female's head. still dazed, minji shook her head and rest her head on her elbow, expecting the both of them to continue with their conversation. doyoung only looked at them as he thought that maybe the both of them had feelings for each other the entire time. an onlooker should not disturb them. 

"did you like anyone before though?" yedam asked. 

the younger boy nodded his head, "i liked chaerin before, but i realised we were too different and i was too immature back in the days." 

minji's heart dropped as she heard that. that was the type of girl that doyoung liked, the kind that was pretty and gentle. every boy liked her. chaerin was not only pretty but also nice to everyone, one of the most popular girls in the school. 

yedam wasn't stupid. he could see how the female frowned when she heard what doyoung said. he regretted asking that question and his heart ached upon seeing minji's dejection, "let's go home already."

the other two nodded and doyoung stood up, grabbing minji's laptop case. once they bid their goodbyes, the duo walked to their bus stop.

"we need to walk faster, the bus is coming in 3 minutes," doyoung tried to urge minji to walk faster. 

however, minji had just woken up and did not want to move her legs any quicker, "we'll make it in time, i'm tired."

the taller complied with her and walked to their bus stop, only to see the bus leave right in front of their eyes. 

"this is all your fault," doyoung sighed.


"i waited for you for almost an hour and now, you don't even want to walk faster," he just thought that he had always been waiting for minji that she already took him for granted.

"what the hell kim doyoung, this is not the first time we missed a bus. why are you getting so worked up?" minji just hoped that doyoung would drop this and they would start talking normally again.

"the next bus comes in fifteen minutes," doyoung said, but his tone was still harsh. 

as if heaven was on her side, the bus that could take her home directly arrived and she told doyoung, "talk to me once you're not being dumb."

being dumb? was that what minji thought he was being? doyoung crossed his hands and looked away, "as if you can survive without me."

without a word, minji hopped onto the bus and muttered under her breath, "sure i can, stupid."

when doyoung received no response, he turned his head back and realised the female was no longer around. he was about to give her a call and apologise but halted and thought, why was he the one constantly giving in to her?

a/n: hellooo sorry for the late update as school started recently and ive been quite busy :-( 

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