chapter 11

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2017 - fourteen

the next few months went really quickly and to minji, it felt like so much had progressed in that short amount of time.

if minji wanted it, she would get it.

if her classes ended earlier, she would wait for doyoung, even if she had to wait for a few hours. for the first few times, she would ask doyoung out on weekends on study dates so they could finish their assignments together. through those weekends, she tried to know doyoung better and what he liked. slowly, she would ask him out to go for events and cafes. even when she was packed with council and her clubs, she would always make time to spend with doyoung, he was a priority.

courting him was hard. hard as hell. he would not easily open up, so minji did most of the talking when they were together, hoping that one day he would comfortably share about his day and his happiness with her as well.

eventually, her efforts bore fruits. doyoung and her had reached a point where they were completely comfortable with one another and would usually go on study dates alone. even though it was always minji trying to ask the other out, it was all worthwhile to her.


"are y'all free?" yedam asked since it was the end of school and it had but a long time since the three of them went out together, but the two girls only shook their heads back.

he could only sigh, "sometimes i hate jihoon and doyoung."

"we hate you too," minah faked a smile. when seeing jihoon at the door, she waved goodbye to the two and minji plopped her head back onto the desk.

"im dead tired, and my whole body is aching, i hate this..." minji started whining, "and why is kim doyoung so late... even jihoon came faster when his building is on the other side of the world..."

yedam then walked behind her and started massaging her shoulders, "you're running for a high position in radio club and student council, you need to be used to this."

"ahhh, pain..." minji only continued to whine at yedam's massage, "but i still hate physical fitness. why did mr hwang have to make us run 10km today."

yedam chuckled and sat beside minji, whispering, "so how is your progress with doyoung?"

"i mean, i don't think he likes me. but at least we're alot closer than before and he's just nice to everyone," minji remembered how doyoung went around the building to find painkillers for his female classmate.

"and you're still whipped for him," honestly yedam could not tell whether doyoung had feelings for anyone but he knew he did not want the girl in front of him getting hurt.


"but you know, the both of you act as if you're dating already..." yedam laughed.

"no we don't," doyoung walked into the classroom and poked the straw into the banana milk before placing it in front of minji.

yedam waved, "since you're here, i'll go already," receiving nods from both doyoung and minji.

at the sight of the heavenly drink, minji sat up and drank it, "how'd you know?"

"i have it marked on my calendar, dumbass. and i can't believe you ran with those cramps. are you okay?" doyoung shook his head. it was the first day of minji's period and it was the day where she would whine nonstop and a banana milk would always shut her up.

for minji, it was the little things that doyoung did like this that moved her heart and made her fall for him even more, "i'm feeling better now."

"then should we go?"

"i still can't move," she pouted.

doyoung pecked her forehead, "now, can you?"

even though the taller had done such things so subtly all the time, it still catches minji off guard at times and make her remember her feelings for the male.

"i don't want to," minji shakes her head, not wanting to stand on the bus later on. furthermore, when she went home with doyoung, she took the longer route but she enjoyed it, she enjoyed the small conversations they had when walking to the bus stop and on the bus.

doyoung pecked her on the forehead again, "quickly. we still have week 5's script to complete and you still have your camp proposal not finished."

"are we going to your house or mine?" minji sighed.

"yours, i've called a cab already."

"you're the best," minji held onto the table and slowly stood up, despite her sore legs.

"you look so dumb, do you want a piggyback?" doyoung laughed.

the shorter huffed, "i take that back about you being the best, and a piggyback is embarrassing now."

doyoung just knelt on one knee with his back facing minji, "there's no one outside already, i checked before i came in."

minji then slowly got onto his back and carried both his and her bag, "i love you so much,' she put both her hand around his neck and started to pinch his cheeks.

it was normal for the both of them to show affection to one another but it gets taken lightly most of the time, even though minji meant the "i love you" she had said a thousand times. 

a/n: happy new year!! also an update because today's the birthday of the person who was the doyoung in my real life story hehe :D

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