chapter 18

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2018 - fifteen

as much as yedam was supporting minji, he was pretty sure that she would concede defeat soon and try to mend the relationship with doyoung again. she was always like this. no, it was not that she could not live without doyoung. it was just that almost everything in her life, except council, revolved around him. doyoung was with her in the weekends, after school, and in radio club. how would she avoid him, let alone forget her feelings?

but boy, was he wrong.

minji woke up the next day more determined than ever. at first, it was the sadness that overwhelmed her as she remembered the previous day's activities. it was not a dream. she began to whimper while lying on her bed, thinking about the boy she liked. 

then it struck her.

why was she always the one chasing? why is it that she always would put time away just for him, just to realise he never did the same? why does she have to be the one that take a longer route home, to talk to him? why is she always the one trying to initiate conversations, in hopes that he would tell her more about himself, but it actually never improved?

right, she was the one who liked him. but she could get tired too. it gone on for more than a year and she could not always do the same for him. 

if forgetting her feelings for him, meant that she could focus on council more and improve her grades, then she was hell bent on doing so. 

when she got to school, she saw minah and yedam together. brushing past the boy she desperately wanted to forget, she waved to the two of them and smiled. the situation was obviously caught on by them but they wished to not address it as of yet. 

"i heard results are released next week, are y'all confident?" minah asked as it was the first thing that came to her mind to talk about. yedam and minji were running for president and vice-president respectively for student council. the results for president were pretty obvious considering yedam's popularity and his friendliness. however, it did not seem the case for minji as there was someone else, more popular and smarter than her. it was also one of the reasons that left her restless for the past few weeks. 

"of course i hope that we could run the student body together," yedam gave a tight squeeze on minji's hands as he knew of minji's worries and tried to change the subject as soon as possible, "how have jihoon and you been?" 

"it's our 2 year anniversary in a month," minah grew excited at the thought of it. they have been dating for a while and it was a healthy relationship at that. how nice was it to have someone to always care for you? jihoon was a naggy boyfriend, always reminding minah to bring an umbrella out or wear a thicker sweater, just like a mom. however, minah never found it annoying and loved it when he did it. with a relationship like that, minji found herself occasionally jealous. not because of any of the individuals, but because of what they had in the relationship. 

"that's nice, what will y'all be doing?" minji spoke up, trying to make it less obvious she had just broke down hours before.

minah clasped her hands together and started rambling, "he said he would plan the day for us so i'm not sure what we are doing yet. oh but i'm planning to gift him a watch i've been saving up for three months. yes yes, and i'm almost done with the portrait of him. wow, it is a hard time hiding it from him whenever he comes over. oh and ..." she continued talking about her plans for their second anniversary. 

soon, the school bell rang, signaling the trio to separate and head back to their classrooms. it felt weird for yedam to be walking beside such a silent minji, but he probably figured that there has been too many things on her mind the past few days. 

"media is staying back to plan the storyboard today right?" minji asked.

"yea, seungjun only ends class at 4pm so we're meeting at 4.30. why?"

minji looked at the back of her file, "can you help me look through my campaign speech after school?" 

the male nodded his head, "sure, sure. don't you need to complete your fourth draft for the radio club event as well?" he instantly regretted saying that as it would remind her about doyoung. for these few days, he needed to be careful of what he says.

"we're calling at night to finish up the proposal because i have training today until 6pm," minji opened her phone to check her calender.

when yedam looked over at her schedule, her dates were already marked in different colours. hell, was she busy. "do you even have time to rest?"

"there'll probably be time to rest in the middle or so."

"you mean by sleeping in class?" he joked and only received a smack on the back.

"shut up."

a/n : i realised its been so so long since ive updated and im so sorry about it :-( a chapter with yedam for the man whose bday is coming! 

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