chapter 20

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2018 - fifteen

how exactly would you know if you liked someone? 

that question continuously went across doyoung's head as he hit his head against the vending machine, waiting for the can of green tea to drop out. he could not understand how yedam was so sure that he liked minji when it felt nothing alike when he liked chaerin. 

the attraction was different. with chaerin, he always made sure he would look the best in front of her and would always try to take additional care of her. he was different when he was with her, and he could feel it. sometimes the thought of her would make him smile as well. that was how doyoung liked chaerin in the past. 

his feelings and actions was nothing alike for minji. he could say, do, wear whatever he wanted, and he would not care. he did not really care about what minji thought of him, because he was just that comfortable. he did not need to take care of her all the time, because minji would be the one doing it most of the time. sometimes, her actions would make his heart flutter too, making him think, 'does she like me?'. however, all that would just be passing thoughts. with her, he felt loved. 

the past month made doyoung constantly question himself, where did minji stand in his life?

why was it that her absence would make him feel so empty? now, there was no one that would share the happenings of their day with him. no one that would constantly pull him out of the house and explore the city. no one that would come over with snacks to make sure he was alright when he was stressed out. 

for sure, he missed minji. 

with the last bang of the head on the vending machine, he stood still. there was another thing he was sure of, and it was that, he did not want to lose minji to yedam. 

his phone vibrated and it was a text from yedam. 'she just woke up.' he quickly grabbed the can of green tea that dropped from the vending machine a long time ago and ran back to the nurse office. 

while doyoung was knocking his head against the vending machine, yedam sat beside minji's bed and fiddled with his fingers. 

was i ready to give up on minji?, the boy thought.

 indeed, he has been liking her for the longest time, but he also knew that she liked doyoung so much that it would be practically impossible for her to grow feelings for himself too. 

as he stood up to turn down the air conditioning for the female, a call had came in for him so he left the nursing room to answer the call. it was just a call from the council teacher checking on why both the president and vice-president were not present in meeting today. knowing that his presence was being called for, he quickly packed his things up and left the room, making sure that minji was tucked in properly.

as he was leaving, he could hear light groans coming from the female, suggesting that she was waking up. pausing in his tracks, he hesitated whether he wanted to stay for the female or tend to his responsibilities.  he then shook his head at how ridiculous this consideration was and quickly texted doyoung that minji had woken up and rushed for his meeting. 


before doyoung could walk into the nursing room, he could hear minji asking the nurse, "was yedam here?"

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