chapter 31

242 25 7

sixteen - 2020


omg are you dead
why are you not replying


omg you replied

im in class

omg and you replied to me

what do you want >:(

go to the rooftop during your lunch

??? for??

to meet me???

we don't even have the same lunchtime...


so how do we even meet -.-
ryu dumb

it's fine
i can skip class

is it your lunch now?


you're at the rooftop?

wait what
are you coming now
why are you not replying
okay i guess you're coming 

honestly, doyoung did not have anything important. he could not focus in class the entire day as he had been thinking about his confession. he had planned to skip class during minji's lunch break and have her to accompany him. and not for minji to skip her class for his own boredom. 

seeing the female run towards him, he quickly stood up and smiled. 

"seriously? the rooftop? i have to climb seven flight of stairs to be here," minji panted. 

the male quickly opened a bottle of water for her, "here, here. cool down first." 

"did anything happen? are you okay?" she said while drinking the water. minji thought something had happened to doyoung that he wanted to meet so urgently. 

he then sat down and leaned his back against the wall, "nothing much. i just couldn't focus in class." 

the female's eyes rolled to the back of her head, "bitch, i thought it was something urgent." 

"and you skipped class for me?" doyoung smirked. 

"yea, i told my teacher i had a stomachache and went to the toilet. so i can stay here for a while," she walked towards the railings and enjoyed the breeze. 

the male then stood up and placed his hands on both sides of her, trapping her between the railings and him, then placed his head on her shoulder, "minji, i really like you." 

the female chuckled, "what are we doing? reenacting titanic?" 

"i'm serious," the male sighed. he really did not think he could focus in class until minji gave him a proper answer. 

the shorter turned around and pushed him back a little. this had discouraged doyoung a little, but he was willing to hold on to the remaining hope to hear what she had to say. 

"i like you too. for three years and it has never stopped. but then what? what are we now?" the female expressed her slight frustration at how the male was not doing anything after the confession. 

"wait what? you like me?" doyoung pointed at himself. he was in disbelief with his jaws wide open. so many questions were in his head. for three years? she liked me all the while? how did i not see it? in his euphoria, he could not comprehend the information he just received. 

"did haruto not tell you i liked someone?" 

"wait, so it's me? not yedam?"

the female furrowed her eyebrows, it was true that she had once had mixed feelings on liking yedam but it was more of a brother and sister kind of bond, it was nothing compared to what she felt for doyoung. the butterflies, tingles and happiness the latter could give her was a whole different story. "yea stupid, it's you." 

the taller pulled her in for a hug, "can i like... you know?" 

"huh? what..." minji was confused by what doyoung was saying.

"like uhm..." not knowing how to explain himself, the male just kissed her right cheek, "can i do this now? only for you? and not just a 'friend' thing?" 

"and since when did you ask me for permission?" minji pecked doyoung on his lips. the male then interlocked their fingers together, "is it official?"


"so you're my girlfriend and i'm your boyfriend?" doyoung pointed at minji first then pointed at himself. 

the female chuckled, "what? you don't like it?" 

his hand grip went tighter, "no... i like it. i love it actually." he sat down on the floor and pulled minji down with him, "are you going back to class or staying here with me?" 

she checked her watch and laid her head on doyoung's shoulder, "lunch is in 7 minutes, i might as well skip till the end."

"shit, i'm such a bad influence."

the female lightly hit him on his stomach, "always have been."

"this, feels so normal," doyoung smiled. 

"yea, we're doing what we always did just that we're official now."

"no wonder so many people thought we were together."

minji interlocked her fingers with the male, "well, they don't have to think anymore."

"so... are we going to tell everyone?" 


doyoung furrowed his eyebrows, "you don't want to?"

"i mean, can we keep it a secret first? maybe tell yedam and minah at least." 

"sure, let's do what you want."

"so nice?" minji laughed.

"i'm always nice."

"what bullshit."

"HEY! you like me cause i'm nice," doyoung crossed his arms.

"ah, you're right."

the two then continued to bicker until minji's lunch break, just like always. after three years, this was the day they finally got together as a couple. 

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