chapter 17

352 30 12

2018 - fifteen

when minji walked into the house, she sat on her bed and looked at her chat with doyoung before moving her fingers over the keyboard and sending him a message. deciding that it would work best if she pretended nothing happened and talked to him, just like how they solved almost every fight. 

boy, her first message was already dumb. 

kim dumbyoung

hi ik im supposed to hate you now and i still need to
ya so basically ya i went w yedam today
then along the way, council keep asking for things, the both of us literally ??? 
and half the time we were just trying to fix the mess
oh but we ate durian puff too!!!
ya its just damn
okay you probably wont even care but
just need to ehwskwjidsk

wow, was she that desperate? she then put her phone at a side and went to shower while waiting for doyoung's reponse. 

as she stepped into the shower, the cold water travelled down her skin, giving her goosebumps. however, she was not affected by it when her mind was somewhere else. she could only think about the thousand possible reponses doyoung would give her. 

would he apologise for breaking 2 promises? would he just reply as usual? oh, he could also just pretend nothing happened just now and start a new conversation too. 

she changed into a fresh set of clothes and took her phone, knowing that he had messaged back due to the blinking light. 

it was an understatement to say she did not expect the message he sent. she was shocked and never in her life would she think that the problem would have escalated to this extent.

kim dumbyoung

now that i think about jn right, i dont think you can hate me. you know since the start i did not even ditch you. like that day i went the carnival was when you werent free. then this week is because there really was the school event. then in the first place, i did not even say i won't go qline with you. its just that i went there with others first? like i really didn't want to say this but i just feel the need to

no hard feelings!
and seeing how you and yedam had to deal with council stuff, i'm quite happy i did not go today. 

when she read the messages, she was dumbfounded. 
'was i being too petty all along', that was what she thought.

that's why i said i was sorry
because i realised i didn't even have the rights to even be angry at you in the first place.

she had no rights, because they were never together

hence the "ik im supposed to hate you"?
you're contradicting yourself
i'm really not angry at you right now, i'm just scared that if i don't say anyt, you might take me for granted and i might lose you as a friend?

right, he was right, but he was such a jerk. she could already fill tears pooling in her eyes as she tried to hold it back. it was something that needed to be solved now and some stupid messaging that will intensify the situation will make their friendship worst. 
she then decided to call him. 

hey, best friend // treasure's kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now