chapter 16

366 24 4

2018 - fifteen

"is it good?" yedam asked with hopeful eyes, hoping that minji would agree with him that fried ice cream was indeed delectable, and his recommendation was good. 

within the crispy layer of batter laid the strawberry ripple ice cream. as it melted in her mouth, her eyes immediately lighted up, "mmm... its really good." 

he smiled upon hearing her response and used his thumb to wipe off the crumbs from the side of her mouth. although she was shocked at first, since yedam rarely made physical contact with her unless necessary, she got used to it. if it was a normal thing that doyoung would do for her, then yedam was not an exception as a friend. 

minji quickly took yedam by the hand, making their hands as warm as they were earlier on. yedam could only blush with their sudden touch and got awoken when the female pointed at the stall they were in front of, "it's my turn to recommend something."

the male could only gulp upon the sight of the signboard. no way was she making him eat it. 

to this dismay, minji had already bought it and placed in front of his face, "try it, try it." 

yedam could shake his head as he remembered the traumatic experience of emptying his stomach till his throat was sore after taking a bite of it in the past. however, when he saw minji's face drop, he quickly changed his mind. he could not make her disappointed, could he? 

"if you take a bite of it and don't like it, then i'll just take the rest," minji assured the taller. 

he opened his mouth as minji placed the puff inside, waiting for him to take a bite of it. once he did, instead of swallowing it immediately, he allowed the cream to swirl around his tongue for abit as he forced himself to get used to the flavour. he was glad he did. 

"it's actually not as bad as i remembered," yedam gave himself a pat on the back for not puking everything out. 

minji then took a bite out of the puff, "it's hard to find durian puffs in korea. the last time i got to eat this was at the festival and doyoung loved it too."

her excited words paused for a moment as she remembered about about the boy whose last name was kim. yedam kept silent as he watched the female take her phone out of her bag, only to be enraged. 

her eyebrows furrowed, making sure her eyesight was not failing her. "it's fine? it's fine? that's all he can say? i literally said sorry when it wasn't my fucking fault." 

yedam rest his arm on minji's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "just forget about it, hmm?"

"but yedam, i already did what you said. i apologised to him. but he just tells me 'it's fine' as if he was expecting an apology all along when it is clearly his fault that he screwed shit first?" minji was angry but she was upset at the same time. upset till the point that yedam could see tears welling up in her eyes as she constantly rubbed it away. he hated how she was so vulnerable when it came to her feelings for doyoung. minji deserved better, that was what yedam thought.

he no longer knew what to say to comfort her but he also knew that she would do whatever he said. 

"we'll solve this later, alright? just like how young adults would," yedam looked at minji, waiting for a response. when nothing came out of her mouth, he prompted her with a "hmm?", making minji sigh in defeat and nod her head. yedam was always right and she should solve this in a proper state of mind instead of letting her feelings get in the way. but how could her feelings not get in the way when she knew how much she liked doyoung, till the point she hated it and wanted to give it all up whenever he was with another girl. 

suck it up minji, that's what happens in a unrequited love story. 

for the umpteenth time of the night, yedam took her hand, "let's get going, shall we?" minji nodded her head, there were still elements of the carnival she wanted to stay for, the live concert had not yet finished as well. however, she knew she could not enjoy them in the state of mind she was, trusting every decision yedam currently made. 

hand in hand, yedam tried to lead the conversation for the first time, cautious of touching any topic related to doyoung. the last thing he wanted would be for minji to get upset again. their hands interlocked, swinging high and low in exaggerated motions also made minji's mood lighter. 

in no time, yedam had brought minji to her doorstep and slowly parted with her, "go take a shower then talk to them. if anything, im one call away."

minji nodded her head, slightly frowned after realising that she still needed to deal with this upfront and how to do it was another question. 

"and don't frown already yea," yedam rubbed the space between her eyebrows, "you're going to look so so ugly with alot of wrinkles when you grow old."

she slapped his stomach, "that's not true."

the male was only amused by the way minji denied it. he quickly stood closer as he pecked her forehead, "sweat dreams little one."

"and i'm not a baby," minji joked.

yedam could only shake his head and signaled minji to get into the house. she did, fortunately. she thought about how he kissed her forehead, something usually only doyoung did to her. 

must be best friends things, she thought. 

on yedam's side, he held his chest as he felt his heart still beating rapidly from what he had just done. no way did he just try to make a move on his crush... but then again, what the hell was he doing? why was he making use of her misery to get closer to her. 

after this, he would court her for real. 

a/n: please... i actually love yedam for real... also happy lunar new year! 

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