chapter 12

373 23 12

2017 - fourteen

"do you think we should run for president and vice?" minji stopped typing on her computer and looked at doyoung.

"we can, if you want."

the female furrowed her brows, "what do you mean if i want. what about you? do you want to run for it?"

"i'm too lazy to do all the extra stuff but if you're going for it, at least i won't have to do all those stuff alone," doyoung smirked.

she could only roll her eyes, "you mean i will finish all the work for you."


"dumbass," she kicked him off the bed. 

"but you know, after yedam left," doyoung looked up, wary of touching the topic, "i think everyone is expecting that the both of us will chair for our batch."

"yea, before that everyone predicted it would be yedam and i," minji sighed.

"okay okay, let's get back to doing the script," doyoung went back to the computer and started working on the next section. 

for the next three hours, the duo finished their script, went through it thrice and made sure they gave their best efforts. minji was used to working continuously without break, but that did not seem like the case for doyoung. 

the moment the poor guy closed his laptop, he grabbed the soft penguin on the bed and laid down. 

"are you sleeping?" minji asked and received no response. obviously he was sleeping, he must have been dead tired from carrying her earlier on and working on the script for hours. 

the five feet tall female sat on the floor and rest her head on the side of the bed. she admired his facial features and loved how godly crafted they were. from his brown curls that rested peacefully above his eyebrows to his lower lip that he always bit on when he struggled with math. his eyelids would always fold nicely, emphasising on his long eyelashes. the only part she hated about doyoung was when he felt so insecure with his braces, but to her, it was fine as well. because he looked good with or without those metal stuck on his teeth. he was perfect, way beyond perfect to her. 

then she realised, she was indeed no match for him.

she was just was of the many girls he was close to. chaerin, haeyoung, minah, sooah, yujin, and many other girls, that she sometimes hated how he was nice to everyone. 

furthermore, it totally did not help that she was just some typical short and plump girl you saw on the road, nothing special. she was not as pretty as chaerin, as cute as haeyoung, as smart as sooah or as athletic as yujin. she had almost nothing. all she had was some leadership roles that probably would not attract any boy to her. 

the thought of this made her slump down to the floor as her eyes did not leave the boy on the bed. he was unreachable. 

however, minji wanted to put in all efforts to try to reach his heart. afterall, she was already a step closer when she managed to get this close to him in the span of a few months. she knew that doyoung would not feel the same way if she just did no shit and sat by the side. that was why she tried her best to make their relationship as close as possible, always stepping up first and trying. 

it was not easy of course. taking the initiative all the time, being the one who worries all the time. before she took action, she would wonder what would happen if he was uncomfortable and just pushed her away? call her manipulative if you like, but to her, nothing would progress if she didn't try. 

she could remember the multiple times when she lied that she had to stay in school, just so that she could wait for him and they would take the bus home together. right, minji still took the bus that took a longer route so she could talk to him more. the instances where she would lie about having a headache with her class being noisy, so she could head to his class and lie down on his table. 

to yedam and minah, they felt like doyoung was too blind to see the amount of effort minji has been putting in. doyoung also suspected it at one point, but he shook it off the time he asked minji about it and she said it was because she was trying to better friends with him after yedam and minah left the club. 

for minji, the idea of confessing to him has never crossed her mind as of yet. she did not want to lose such a good friend anymore, and doyoung being the nice person he is, would feel utterly bad for rejecting her. 

minji went closer to the male she was looking at and halted before contemplating again, "screw it," she whispered under her breath.

she decided not to do anymore that may put their relationship at a risk. at this point, anything more than what they were doing would be considered overboard already. doyoung was already being more than a friend. i mean, who the hell kisses their friend on the forehead, remember their period schedule and are literally together every single weekend?

she grabbed her computer and sat on her desk and allowed doyoung to get the rest he lacked for the past few days. minji opened a document and started on her third draft of the foreign student exchange proposal for council. things were clearly not going very well when she continuously got distracted and glanced at doyoung at the side of her eye. 

'let's never confess and forever stay as best friends, should we?' minji thought as she looked at doyoung. that seemed like the most possible option when she was the most inattractive person.

she scooted to his side and adjusted his fringe, "i like you so damn much, kim doyoung."

to her surprise, his body rolled and now his face was less than a fist away from her. fortunately, his eyes were still closed, indicating he was asleep. hopefully. she definitely did not want him to hear her confess while he was sleeping. 

it took her a while to process how close they were and took a step back. she then started to wave like a mad woman in front of his face to ensure he was sleeping and heaved a sigh of relief when he did not react at all. 

8.05pm she saw.

 "doyoung ah, wake up," she tried to shake him a few times. 

with his eyes still closed, he asked, "what time is it?"

"8pm, you should head home soon."

"mmm, are your parents home yet?"

as if he could see her, she shook her head, "nope."

"i'll stay until they come then."

"dumbass, you'll have to stay until 11 then," but in minji's head she hated how he gave her hope with every word he said.

he then rolled to his other side, "then let me just continue sleeping."

the female then rolled doyoung off the bed with him screaming, "go homeeee."

"aish, fine fine, see you tomorrow," he then grabbed his bag and headed towards the door. 

before he left, he pulled her into a hug and ruffled her hair. "i hate you," she pouted.

"aww... you don't have to tell me you love me all the time," doyoung pecked her forehead and left the house.

minji stood by her doorstep as she realised, doyoung had never said the word 'love' to her.

a/n: i wanted to ask if yall would prefer around 20+ chapters, just like marrying mr arrogant, or a longer one? i have a longer plot in mind but i was afraid it would get too draggy

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