chapter 19

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2018 - fifteen

one month passed in the flash of an eye. many things had happened in the past month. yedam and minji had became the president and vice-president of their student council. besides that, minji had also became the president of radio club, together with doyoung. her competition submission was due last week and she was close to burning out. 

one thing that never changed though, was that minji and doyoung were still not on talking terms. however, minji used everything to distract herself from thinking about him. it did not turn out very well, especially when she fell sick and overworked herself till she fainted. 

when yedam heard the news, he immediately rushed over. all sorts of ideas rushed over his mind, was it his fault? was it the stress from council? or was it the late nights, and he never managed to look out for her enough? or was it because he could not stop her when she kept studying, in order to avoid thinking about doyoung?

when he reached the nurse office, he saw doyoung who was peeping into the office, looking at the girl who was lying on the bed. 

"how is she?" yedam asked.

startled by his presence, doyoung slightly jumped, "she fainted in the corridor and the nurse elevated her legs and asked me to let her rest." 

"has she woken up since then?" yedam whispered as he walked towards the bed. 

doyoung watched yedam place the back of his hand on minji's forehead and adjust the blanket for the sleeping girl, "nope." there was something in him burning and thinking why he did not think of doing that for the female.

after taking one more look at minji, yedam looked at the taller male, "doyoung, we need to talk," with that, he walked out of the nurse office.

doyoung obediently followed behind yedam and stopped walking when they had reached the corner of the block. 

"when will the two of you stop this?"

doyoung was confused for a moment but realised that he could only be suggesting about one thing. "i'm tired of giving in. i'm just waiting for minji to talk to me first."

"but isn't she giving you the space you need?" right, he realised he was the one who suggested that they have a break. 

when doyoung stayed quiet, yedam continued, "how did you feel the past month?"

"i mean. i don't know honestly. the past month has been lonely without her." 

"anything else?"

doyoung sighed and looked at his childhood friend, he figured he could tell yedam everything. "it's just so weird for her to be missing all of a sudden. then i just see her smiling happily with other people, it's just like she can live on just fine without me. and when she's with other guys, i don't want them to get close half of the time. whenever they do something nice to her, i just felt like i could've been the one. then, when she does stuff she does to me to you or jinyoung, i just feel so easily replaced."

yedam remained quiet to process all the information, trying to think of a nice way to explain how stupid doyoung is. doyoung just interrupted his train of thoughts, "you must think i'm weird too."

"doyoung, you're so selfish." yedam wanted to actually beat doyoung up till he came to his senses but that might not be a very good idea. "you like her, don't you?" 

the taller was quick to reply, "no, i don't. i don't feel any attraction towards her. we're just strictly platonic." he wanted to keep it this way, especially when he knew yedam liked the female. 

"then, why are you so bothered by her, when both of you are not on talking terms already?"

"i just don't want to feel like one of her many friends. even i treat her differently from other girls."

yedam internally gave himself a facepalm, "then why are you treating her differently?"

"cause she's special?"

"and doyoung, i thought you don't like taking selfies. but why do you have so many with minji?"

"it's nice to create memories with her," the younger delightfully said, still oblivious to his own feelings. 

"you're actually so dumb. you like her. can't you see?" yedam wanted to question the purpose of doyoung's brain by this second. 

retaliating, doyoung furrowed his brows, "i know how it feels like to like someone. you don't have to tell me."

"is it because of me?"

truthfully, even if he knew he had feelings for minji, he would not say it for the sake of yedam. "no."

"then just admit that you like her, stop being dumb. i can see how comfortable you are with her, and the way you look at her and take care of her. you literally told me about how you were being a jealous prick when she was with other guys."

"i mean, even if i do, what can i do? she just treats me like any other friend."

was doyoung stupid? 

"maybe your smartass can start off by talking to her after a month?" yedam rolled his eyes. 

"wait, doesn't that make us chase after the same girl now?"

"it's her choice in the end and i will respect it," yedam said, even though he knew the female would probably still end up liking doyoung. however, doyoung thought of it the other way and thought that minji would still choose the god yedam over him. 

"wait so, do i amend matters with her now?" doyoung ruffled his hair.

"no shit sherlock."

a/n: sorry for the long long hiatus :( holidays is here so i would be able to write more too!

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